CNM Faculty Senate

Mission and Philosophy

Senate Links

Time and Location

Meetings are typically scheduled second Fridays, 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. All faculty are welcome, although only senators may vote. Please email us for more information.

Years ago, our predecessors realized that there was a need for Faculty to participate in the decision processes that impact all issues relating to curriculum and instruction at our College, then Albuquerque-TVI. The Faculty Senate was mandated with representing all faculty on issues that directly affect our educational and academic environment: in the classroom, amongst faculty, and between faculty and students. The Faculty Senate also was mandated with facilitating communication amongst the faculty and the administration regarding the College's educational and academic interests. We, the CNM Faculty Senate, will work to continue, and to improve, this democratically designed tradition of faculty engagement.

The CNMFS aims to provide a forum for faculty to be involved in the decision-making processes at CNM, especially in matters that directly affect our curricula and instruction. The CNM Faculty Senate is committed to:

  • Improving the collegial environment at CNM by facilitating substantive faculty participation in all of the College's educational and academic processes and committees
  • Strengthening the CNM Community by ensuring that the College incorporates the perspectives, the knowledge, and the insights of the CNM faculty regarding the success of our students and the curricula of our programs
  • Supporting faculty collaborations within each School and between Schools by sustaining the College Curriculum Committee, and conducting forums based upon their findings
  • Providing a Faculty-centered voice and venue for CNM Faculty to collaboratively nurture and maintain our College's strengths while overcoming our College's weaknesses.

We invite each of you to work with us in creating the College we all want CNM to be. By sharing your passion and talent, together we can help transform CNM into the best two-year institution of higher education in NM as well as in the nation.

Faculty Senate Members


Jennifer Robbins

[email protected]

Vice Chair

Shelly Robinson 

[email protected]

Treasurer Stephanie Montoya

[email protected]

Secretary  Katie Randolph [email protected]
Communications Officer
Marlon Clark [email protected]
Tech Officer Allison Ward-Osborne [email protected]

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