Early Childhood Multicultural Education


Early Childhood Multicultural Education is designed for you to become employable in the education system and provide advancement opportunities. Earn an Associate of Arts or certificate and pursue work as an Education and Childcare Administrator, and more.

Degrees and Certificates

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Fast-Track Early Childhood Education Degree
Earn an Associate of Arts Degree in Early Childhood (Birth-Third Grade) in 18 months through CNM's Fast-Track program.

Top Jobs in Early Childhood Education

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

edu-logo.jpgNew Mexico is a national leader in the professional development of early childhood educators with a career lattice that supports immediate entry into the profession starting with a 45-hour child care training course, to a state-wide articulated early childhood associate degree.

CNM offers an Early Childhood Multicultural Education Degree and a Child Development Certificate. This program is designed for you to become employable in the education system and provide advancement opportunities. The certificate and AA degree is designed if you are working, or would like to work, in the field of Early Childhood (PreK–3rd grade). 

Other program features:

  • Classes are in English/Spanish and we offer specialized bilingual advisement and support.
  • Classes are available during evenings and weekends.
  • Financial aid and scholarships are available through the ECECD Scholarship and Wage Supplement Program.
  • The associate degree is fully transferable to any college or university in New Mexico with an early childhood bachelor’s degree.

Graduates are eligible to apply for a One Year Vocational Certificate and Child Development Certificate issued by the New Mexico Early Childhood Education & Care Department. You are employed almost immediately upon graduation in various professions, from an educational system to a childcare setting.

Early Childhood Networks

ECN Logo on white backgroundThe Early Childhood Networks (ECN), administered by CNM Ingenuity, is a collaborative group of early childhood professionals. ECN works to strengthen the links between early childhood programs, educators, and communities; provide learning experiences for the next generation of early childhood educators; and support recruitment and increase retention in the field of early childhood education.

Programs currently offered by ECN include:

  • Early Childhood Mentor Network
  • Infant-Toddler Pre-Mentor Program
  • Infant-Toddler Teacher Network
  • Early Childhood Director Network
  • Home-Based Provider Network
  • Mentorship Hub Pilot

Each of ECN’s networks provides professional development, networking, and support for early childhood educators throughout New Mexico. Participants also receive stipends for their work, with the amount of the stipend varying depending on the network one belongs to and their role in that network. For detailed information about each program or to apply to join one or more of the networks, visit the Early Childhood Networks website.

Related Information


Scholarships Available

45-Hour Entry-Level Course

CNM offers a 45-hour Entry-Level Course for employment at early learning and preschool centers around New Mexico.

Field Experience

Certain courses require students to complete hours in settings outside of the CNM classroom. Field experience hours are designed to give students real-world experience in a setting related to the study of the accompanying course. 


Ve los cursos y programas que CNM ofrece para hispanoparlante.