Campus and Community Engagement
Contact Us
Do you have a question about or want to get involved with sustainability at CNM? Begin by filling out our contact form.
Get Involved
At CNM, we strive to lead by example. We want our students, staff, faculty, and community members to be equipped with a strong ethic of environmental stewardship, a broad understanding of climate challenges, and the courage to take action in addressing them. The CNM Sustainability Committee encourages you to participate by:
- Signing the Reuse Pledge
- Taking our Sustainability Survey
- Learning more about sustainability topics by exploring the educational resources below.
About the CNM Sustainability Committee
As part of CNM's overarching strategic direction, the Sustainability Committee is charged with supporting and promoting collegewide integration of sustainability concepts into the curriculum and across campuses in a meaningful way. The committee’s ongoing objectives are to:
- Provide student learning opportunities via sustainability experiential learning projects on and off campus.
- Increase student and faculty engagement in sustainability issues.
- Formalize student learning via sustainability education paths.
If you are interested in joining the CNM Sustainability Committee, please fill out our contact form and a team member will be in touch.
Those who sign the pledge to reduce plastic consumption are eligible to receive a free CNM stainless steel reusable water bottle.
How much do you know about sustainability? Take this quick survey to find out. Your responses will help CNM further educate its community.
Educational Resources
Introduction to Sustainability
Learn more about what sustainability is and how you can help reduce waste and conserve resources by watching our Sustainability Orientation video.
View Sustainability Presentations
If you're interested in attending future presentations, join our mailing list and stay up-to-date with all things sustainability.
CNM often hosts a variety of guest speakers who deliver impactful presentations on sustainability-related topics. Students in a variety of educational programs attend these presentations to learn from and engage with speakers who are experts in their fields. Below are our most recent presentations.
- "Kirtland Air Force Base Fuel Spill Cleanup" by Dennis McQuillan and Diane Agnew of the NM Environment Department
- "Animas River Mine Water Spill Briefing Report" by Dennis McQuillan and Diane Agnew of the NM Environment Department
- "My Life as an Urban Biologist" by Virginia Thompson
- "Unconventional Sources of Water for New Mexico: Opportunities and Constraints" by Bruce Thompson
- "History of Water Resources in the Middle Rio Grande" by Adrain Aglesby
- "Concepts in Watershed Scale Stormwater Pollution" by John Kay (Passcode: +Er#8mmY)
- "Rethinking Mass Extinctions" by Spencer Lucas
- "Building Community Resilience" by Tracy Kijewski-Correa, PhD
Learn from Student Projects
CNM is proud to support student participation in sustainability-related assignments. With the help of dedicated faculty, a sustainability classroom supplies budget, and service-learning opportunities, our students have created educational content with the intent of making a positive impact on our community.
Explore CNM's Green Buildings
The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system, developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), has been a guiding principle in CNM construction and renovation projects at CNM. Projects (buildings, building elements, and campuses) may be registered under specific certifications such as Major Renovations, New Construction, and Interior Design and Construction. The dates listed below are when the building became LEED Certified, rather than when construction was completed.
- Take a Self-Guided LEED Tour of the Student Resource Center on CNM's Main Campus.
- Learn more about the energy efficient ground coupled heat pump system that was installed in Smith Brasher on CNM Main Campus.
Learn How to Recycle Properly
Single-stream recycling is an all-in-one recycling method where materials can be combined into one single bin. CNM has blue single-stream recycling bins located next to the trash cans in most classrooms and large green cardboard recycling bins have been placed in common areas across all campuses.
Check out our Recycle Smart Infographic, or visit the City of Albuquerque's Recycle Coach page to learn more about collection schedules, recycling do's and don'ts, and more!