CNM Privacy Statement

CNM's Privacy Policy

CNM Web Privacy Statement

Thank you for visiting the Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) website and reviewing our privacy policy. CNM is comprised of many programs, units and activities, all of which may have individual representation on the web.

CNM does not collect your personally identifiable information when you visit one of our websites unless you choose to provide that information to us. In protecting the confidentiality of student education records, CNM complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

If You Send Us Personal Information

CNM’s websites will collect personal information which you knowingly and voluntarily provide to us by — for example — sending emails, completing information forms, registering for accounts, responding to surveys or ordering merchandise. If you provide us with personal information, we will respond to your inquiry, request or order.

We also may contact you to provide information about CNM activities, programs, memberships and development opportunities, products and special events that may interest you. Additionally, we may occasionally combine your personal information, including personally identifiable information, with information from other third parties to enable us or our trusted third party partners to provide you with a more personalized marketing experience. You will always be provided an opportunity to opt-out of all such communications.

When we send you information by email we will provide the opportunity to decline further communication in a manner consistent with applicable laws and policies. Please use the contact specified in the email so that we can remove you from the list that contains your name. If you are uncertain about who to contact, you may contact us here.

CNM uses outside vendors to provide certain services on our behalf, such as email distribution, order fulfillment and shipping. These third-party vendors will have access to the information needed to perform their functions but may not use that information for any other purpose.

CNM may offer opportunities for you to opt-in to receive information from non-CNM entities. If you opt-in, you may receive correspondence from these organizations on programs, products or services that might interest you. If you decide to opt-out of receiving any further correspondence from a non-CNM entity, please correspond directly with that business or organization to be removed from its mailing list.

Information Collected and Stored Automatically

If you visit our website, we automatically gather and store the following information about your visit so that we can track the use of our website in order to make improvements. This information includes, but is not limited to the following, and is stored and used in aggregate form only:

  • The IP address from which you access our website
  • The name of the domain from which you access the Internet
  • The type of browser and operating system used to access our website
  • The date and time you access our site
  • The pages, files, documents and links that you visit
  • The Internet address of the website from which you linked to this website

It is not used to contact you personally.


In addition to information collected automatically, we use cookies, which are small pieces of information sent to your browser by a website that you visit. These cookies do not collect personally identifiable information. Cookies are used to track usage patterns, traffic trends and customer behavior, as well as to record other information from the website.

When you register on the website, cookies also allow us to save your information so that you will not have to re-enter it the next time you visit. Many content adjustments and customer service improvements are made based on the data derived from cookies. Information that we collect from cookies will only be used in aggregate form.

As mentioned above, CNM may employ outside companies (included, but not limited to, Google Adwords, Facebook, and Twitter) to provide marketing services on our behalf. With our approval, these third parties may place cookies during your visit.  These third-party companies only will collect non-personally identifiable information about your visit or transaction, such as the URLs which lead you to, around, and from our site, pages visited, the product(s) purchased, and the amount spent. Any data collected will be used in accordance with our privacy policy, as well as the privacy policy of the vendor.

CNM may use third-party vendors to allow our users to share content from our site with others through popular social networking sites. These vendors may place cookies to collect non-personally identifiable information (included but not limited to browser type, browser language, date, and time) via social sharing buttons on the website.

CNM may use third-party advertising and analytic companies (included, but not limited to, Google Adwords, Facebook, and Twitter) to serve ads about our organization on websites across the internet on and about our website. These companies may use cookies to serve you more relevant advertisements and offers across the internet based on the information about your visit to this website or other websites.

The CNM privacy policy does not cover any use of information that third parties may have collected from you (e.g., type of browser, operating system, domain name, day and time of visit, page(s) visited) or the methods used by the third parties to collect that information (e.g., cookies, web beacons).

CNM may use third-party research companies (including, but not limited to, Google Universal Analytics) that may collect and use information about your visit to this website or other websites in order to provide quantitative analysis about our audience. We do not combine the information collected with any personally identifiable information.

You may set your browser to refuse cookies from any website that you visit. If you choose to do so, you may still gain access to most of CNM’s websites, but you may not be able to take advantage of some of the interactive elements offered.

If you would like more information about cookies and the option not to have them used by third-party companies during your visit, please visit the following websites:

Children and Privacy

CNM is concerned about protecting children's privacy. We do not collect personally identifiable information from children. If a visitor known to be a child (that is an individual under the age of thirteen (13), as defined by the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) sends an email to CNM, we only will use it to respond to the writer and not to create profiles or otherwise retain the information.


We review network traffic to ensure that our site remains available to all users and to identify unauthorized attempts to access, upload or change information or otherwise cause damage. Unauthorized access is prohibited and punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act.


Within CNM’s websites are widgets and other content links to non-CNM websites. These sites operate independently of CNM and have their own privacy policies. CNM is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of non-CNM websites, and such links are not intended to be an endorsement of the non-CNM website or its content. For your protection, you should review the privacy policy of the site you linked to from our website.

Disclaimer of Liability

The information contained herein explains the practices used by CNM with regard to use of its official webpages. Such information shall not be interpreted as a contractual promise, and CNM reserves the right to amend this policy at any time without notice. CNM shall not be held liable for any improper or incorrect use of the information described or contained on the college’s website and assumes no responsibility for anyone’s use of the information.

European Union General Data Protection Regulation ("EU GDPR") Privacy Notice

The EU GDPR provides broad privacy protections to individuals physically located in the European Economic Area ("data subject(s)"). When subject to the EU GDPR, CNM must comply with the regulation's core privacy principles, which provide that personal data shall be:

  • Processed lawfully, fairly and in a transparent manner;
  • Collected for specific, explicit and legitimate purposes and not further processed in a manner that is incompatible with those purposes;
  • Limited to what is necessary in relation to the purposes for which they are processed;
    Accurate and kept up to date;
  • Retained only as long as necessary; and
  • Secure.

Personal data is defined very broadly under the EU GDPR, and consists of any information relating to an identified or identifiable person and includes a person's name, identification number, location data, online identifier, or to one or more factors specific to the physical, psychological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that person.


Questions and comments about this Privacy Policy may be directed to us via email at [email protected]. CNM is a large organization with many people sharing responsibility for the content of its websites. Please help us respond to your comments and inquiries by sending them to the appropriate CNM office.