Collegewide Integrated Program Review (CIPR)


CIPR Updates

2024 CIPR program review is scheduled to begin October 31. Visit the CIPR Updates page for the full timeline more information.


The Collegewide Integrated Program Review (CIPR) processes provide a unique opportunity to continuously improve as we fulfill our vision and mission. The goal of CIPR is to ensure all CNM programs- both credit and non-credit- lead to completion, transfer, and/or positive employment outcomes. CIPR comprises three areas: Program Review, Program Support, and New Program Intake.

The CIPR program review, program support, and new program intake processes are an effective vehicle for accountability and provide an opportunity for CNM to:

  • actively participate in the evaluation and continuous improvement of our programs
  • engage in dialogue relative to a program’s strengths, challenges, opportunities, and aspirations
  • respond to local employer and industry needs, as well as student demand
  • provide guidance to strategic decisions that impact the fiscal health, stability, and vibrancy of our institution

The CIPR processes involve a broad mix of people that represent a holistic view of staff, faculty, and community concerns. Without the input of representatives from throughout CNM, the CIPR processes would not have a complete view of the information needed to make decisions about program offerings.

Goals of CIPR

CIPR helps CNM faculty and staff to lead a purposeful and continuous cycle of improvement. Comprehensive and annual processes are integral parts of an overall institutional evaluation, planning, and development process with the following goals:

  • ensure that academic programs remain focused on student success and serving the needs of the community
  • respond effectively to the workforce and community needs
  • ensure that program success is a coordinated effort from all of the College’s divisions
  • increase the coherence of academic program development and innovation
  • enhance the quality of academic programs by assessing program strengths and challenges
  • align academic program needs and campus priorities with the planning and budget process
  • ensure that program priorities are consistent with the College’s mission and strategic plan

Program Evaluation

New and current programs are evaluated using MMMA standards (Mission, Market, Margin, and Academic/Industry).

MMMA Standards Logo

Mission Alignment:

  • CNM is leading in program offerings that meet employer and local economy needs today and in the future.

Market Demand:

  • Ensure all CNM programs (credit and non-credit) lead to completion, transfer, and/or positive employment outcomes
  • Ensure programs meet employer/industry needs and expectations
  • Gauge student demand for programs and student understanding of programs outcomes in skills and employment opportunities

Margin – Program Economics:

  • Understand cost, revenue, and margins at the program and course level


  • Evaluate program effectiveness and quality via academic standards
  • Evaluate program effectiveness for industry or further education outcomes