Program Review Updates

Stay informed about the latest CIPR program review updates.

2023 Program Review 

The recommendations of the Academic Affairs Council and the CIPR Leadership Team have been reviewed and approved by the CNM Strategic Executive Leadership Team. The results of the 2023 CIPR program review are as follows:

  • Nine programs designated “Grow”
  • 80 programs designated “Sustain”
  • 18 programs designated “Fix”
  • Four programs designated “Sunset” 

Please see the 2023 CIPR Program Review Final Designations PDF for the full list of final program designations.

All Sunset recommendations were initiated by their respective schools, not as a result of CIPR program review; however, the Sunset recommendations were supported by the CIPR program review stakeholders. There will not be any faculty/personnel impacts from any of the program deactivations this cycle. Cross-divisional program support plans have been developed and implemented for programs designated Grow or Fix and will be implemented May 2024-August 2025, with checkpoints scheduled Fall 2024, Spring 2025, and Summer 2025.

Visit the CIPR Program Review Process webpage for more information on program review metrics, methodology, and designation definitions.

2024 Program Review  

The 2024 CIPR program review will kick off October 31 with review and recommendations from each academic school. Once the schools have made their recommendations, the review process will continue with feedback from divisions across the college. Please see the 2024 CIPR Program Review Timeline below for more information. 

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New Program Intake Updates

The following programs have been proposed for development and their status is listed below.