CNM Assessment Center

The CNM Assessment Center provides a welcoming, secure, and quiet proctored testing environment for students.

Contact Information

If you have questions or need more information about CNM Assessment Centers, please call (505) 224-3243 or fill out our contact form. 

Contact Form

About the CNM Assessment Center 

The CNM Assessment Center is dedicated to creating the most secure and least stressful environment for CNM students who need testing services. Our team offers limited, pre-scheduled, in-person and remote testing, including:

Remote and In-Person Testing

At the CNM Assessment Center, we understand our students' needs for flexibility. We now offer remote options for a selection of tests. View the list of in-person and remote exam options below. 

In-Person Exams

The following exams are offered in-person:

  • Directed Self-Placement (DSP)  
  • Accuplacer (math placement)
  • TABE for HSE/GED and ESL students. For more information, please visit the Adult Basic Education Application page
  • CLEP
  • TEAS
  • Avant Language
  • HSE Practice
  • BCIS 1110
  • Challenge Exams
Remote Exams

The following exams may be taken remotely:

If you do not have a computer or a webcam and would like to take the Accuplacer remotely, please email us at [email protected].

Learn About the Remote Accuplacer

Schedule Other Remote Exams

Locations, Hours, and Scheduling 

Learn more about the locations and hours of each assessment center, and schedule an exam at the campus of your choice.

CNM Main Campus

CNM Main Campus
Student Resource Center (SRC), Room 103

Monday - Thursday: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m. 
Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
Saturday: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m.

Phone: (505) 224-3243

Schedule an Exam at Main Campus

CNM Montoya Campus

CNM Montoya Campus
G Building, Room 104

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Phone(505) 224-5761

Schedule an Exam at Montoya Campus

CNM Rio Rancho Campus 

CNM Rio Rancho Campus

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Phone(505) 224-4912

Schedule an Exam at Rio Rancho Campus

CNM South Valley Campus
CNM Westside Campus

CNM Westside Campus
WSII, Room 113

Monday - Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

Phone(505) 224-5382

Schedule an Exam at Westside Campus

CNM Workforce Training Center (WTC)

Proctoring services for external exams are available at the CNM Workforce Training Center.

Call (505) 224-5204 or email [email protected] for more information.

Important Details

All offices will be closed on the following days:

  • Memorial Day Weekend: May 24 - May 26

Testing Requirements: 

  • Please bring your CNM ID or government-issued ID.
  • Children and other visitors are not allowed in the testing area. 
  • All personal belongings, including purses and cell phones, will be collected prior to entering the testing room.  
  • If dishonest behavior is observed, it will be documented and the instructor/test provider will be notified.
  • Please inquire if your test allows scratch paper, writing instruments, or other testing aids.
  • Additional requirements may exist depending on the exam.
  • Students requiring special accommodations for testing should contact Accessibility Services.

Additional Assessment Information 


Students requiring special accommodations for testing (other than extra-time) should contact Accessibility Services for additional information. 

CNM Libraries: Test Preparation Database

CNM Libraries offers exam preparation materials for select Credit for Prior Learning and Placement tests. You must create an account on a CNM campus to access CNM Libraries materials, but you can access the content at home once your account is created. 

Proctoring Services

Proctoring services for external exams are available at the CNM Workforce Training Center. Call (505) 224-5204 or email [email protected] for more information.