Studio G

Studio G is a student business accelerator committed to helping students succeed as entrepreneurs.

Studio G, New Mexico's Student Business Accelerator

Top University Business Incubator

The New Mexico State University (NMSU) Arrowhead Center's Studio G, founded in 2011, empowers student entrepreneurs to start their own businesses by filling key gaps and removing obstacles while nurturing their passions, which is essential for their businesses to succeed. 

Studio G a community of innovators and entrepreneurs working to build and grow successful businesses. Our members include:

  • Bloggers and Idealists
  • Designers and fashionistas
  • Inventors and Developers
  • Fitness Enthusiasts
  • Musicians, Artists, and Photographers
  • and more!

Benefits of a Free Studio G Membership

  • Business advising and networking opportunities
  • Logo design and marketing services
  • Funding opportunities and financial planning
  • Access to software, 3D modeling and printing
  • Legal advice and licensing opportunities

Studio G does not take equity in your business. Studio G's services are available at no cost to students and recent alumni from CNM, a designated Studio G Site.

Join Studio G