Alcohol and Drug Prevention
The 1989 amendments to the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) as defined in the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR Part 86) require that institutions of higher education conduct a biennial review of their Alcohol and Other Drugs (AOD) policies and procedures. Regulations state that institutions of higher education receiving federal funds or financial assistance must develop and implement a program aimed at preventing the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs on campus. In compliance, Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) will conduct its biennial review on odd numbered years beginning in 2015 and will report based on calendar years. This report includes information and data from calendar years 2021 and 2022.
CNM is New Mexico’s largest community college with 18,000-plus students enrolled in the 2023 Fall Term. It provides quality and affordable education to students across the Albuquerque-metro area at nine different locations. CNM takes the safety and well-being of its students and employees very seriously. Providing a safe and healthy learning environment provides for academic success and employee productivity. CNM is committed to maintaining a drug- and alcohol-free environment, while supporting students and staff with resources should they require them for alcohol- and/or drug-related problems.
Notification Process
CNM's Alcohol and Controlled Substances policy covers all property and facilities owned, used, leased or controlled by CNM and any other site where CNM business is being conducted, including motor vehicles. The policy is applicable to employees and students. Additional employee policy information is available by reading the Drug-Free Workplace Policy. The Student Code of Conduct is applicable to students. The School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety and the School of Skilled Trades & Arts have substance abuse polices that apply to students enrolled in their licensure programs.
Employees and students can log on to the CNM website to view and download these policies. The Office of the Dean of Students provides the campuses with paper copies of the Student Code of Conduct as well. In addition, the annual Security Report (Clery Report) provides information on substance abuse polices and resources.
CNM will notify all employees and students of the AOD policy annually. Employees will receive emails from the Human Resources department with a link to the policy. New Employee Orientation will include information on the AOD policy each month it is offered for incoming new employees. Students will receive an email within the first two weeks of the start date for each semester with the link to the policy from the Office of the Dean of Students. The Scratch (an electronic newsletter for students) will also be utilized to inform students of the policy. A portion of the New Student Orientation will include a discussion on the AOD policy.
Standards of Conduct that Prohibit Unlawful Possession, Use, or Distribution of Illicit Drugs and Alcohol on its Property or as Part of its Activities
By enrolling at CNM, a student accepts responsibility for compliance with all local, state, and federal laws and with CNM’s regulations, while retaining the rights guaranteed under the Constitution of the United States and the state of New Mexico. A student alleged to have engaged in any misconduct shall have the right of due process and appeal as delineated in the Student Code of Conduct. The College expects all students to show respect for the rights of others, to protect private and public property, to carry out contractual obligations, and to take responsibility for their own actions and the actions of their guests.
The Legal Violations of the Student Code of Conduct states that unlawful possession, use, distribution or sale of any narcotic or dangerous drug (as defined by the statutes of the state of New Mexico) is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. Possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in contradiction of state law and/or CNM policy is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct applies to all students on college property, in CNM approved classes, during field trips, or while participating in activities off campus. A violation of AOD policies is a violation of the Student Code of Conduct, and could result in sanctions such as a documented reprimand, suspension or expulsion.
NOTE: Although possession and use of marijuana consistent with the statues of the State of New Mexico is no longer a crime in the State of New Mexico, the possession and use of marijuana, including medical marijuana, remain illegal under federal law. Consistent with federal law, including the Controlled Substances Act and the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the use and/or possession of marijuana continues to be prohibited while a student is on college-owned or college-controlled property, and/or any function authorized or supervised by the College and/or in state-owned or leased vehicles
CNM has committed its resources to creating an environment that fosters learning. Such an environment depends in part on the physical, emotional and social well-being of CNM employees. Abuse of alcohol and controlled substances (referred to here as drugs) impairs work performance, poses a threat to the health and safety of the CNM community and undermines the learning environment. CNM is committed not only to maintaining a drug-free campus and workplace but also to helping employees solve drug- and alcohol-related problems. While on CNM campus or property the unlawful consumption, possession, manufacturing, distribution, selling, or serving of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances is prohibited.
This policy covers all property owned, used, leased or controlled by CNM and any other site where official CNM business is being conducted. Controlled substances are defined in Schedules I through V of the Controlled Substances Act, 21 U.S.C.812, and implementing regulations, 21 CFR 1308.11-1308.15. Controlled substances include, but are not limited to, marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines, heroin, PCP, hallucinogens, fentanyl and certain prescription drugs. Illegal uses of alcohol include, but are not limited to, serving, buying or drinking alcohol by a minor; assisting a minor or an intoxicated person to get alcohol; selling alcohol without a license and driving while under the influence. This policy is not intended to negate any additional policies on substance abuse, employee discipline or any additional requirements imposed on CNM or its employees by federal or state law.
Policy Statement
CNM will support and enforce the laws of the city, state and federal governments regarding the use, sale or possession of controlled substances or alcohol. The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession or unlawful use of controlled substances (including cannabis) or alcohol on CNM property or as part of any of its activities by any CNM employee is strictly prohibited. It shall be a violation of this policy and the Employee Handbook Code of Conduct for any CNM employee to be illegally under the influence of a controlled substance while at work or on CNM property.
- As a condition of employment, all CNM employees shall abide by the terms of this policy. Violation shall result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.
- Employees shall not drink alcoholic beverages during working hours, nor shall they report for work or otherwise be on CNM property under the influence of intoxicants to any degree, nor shall they have any odor of intoxicants on their breath. Employees shall not bring or store any open containers of alcoholic beverages on any College property or work site or in the employee’s vehicle while the vehicle is on College property.
- Employees under the care of a physician and using prescribed drugs on CNM campus or facility under a physician’s direction shall have a proper statement from the physician authorizing the use of the drug and describing the side effects, if any, resulting from the use of the drug. Supervisors should contact Human Resources if an employee is displaying signs of impairment. Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) instructors shall follow federal reporting requirements in addition to notifying Human Resources.
- As a condition of employment, any employee involved in work performed under a federal contract or grant must inform their supervisor in writing within five calendar days of any conviction for a criminal drug statute violation that occurred in the workplace. Failure of the employee to notify the supervisor shall be grounds for disciplinary action. Upon receiving notice from an employee regarding the conviction, the supervisor is responsible for promptly notifying Human Resources. The administration is required to provide written notification to the grant agency within 10 calendar days of receiving the notice of action relating to the conviction.
- In recognition of the dangers of substance abuse in the workplace, CNM shall maintain alcohol- and drug-free awareness programs to inform members of the campus community about issues and risks of substance abuse. an Employee Assistance Program is available. The College will observe confidentiality regarding requests by employees for any type of substance abuse counseling information or assistance.
CNM’s response to any violation of this policy may include, as a total or partial alternative to the disciplinary action, a requirement that the employee participate satisfactorily in an approved substance-abuse treatment or rehabilitation program as a condition of continued employment.
Health Risks Associated with Use of Illicit Drugs and the Misuse of Alcohol
CNM recognizes that the use of illicit drugs and misuse of alcohol can lead to work, school, home, health or legal problems. When an employee or student misuses alcohol, it can lead to physical injuries, aggression and antisocial behavior, sexual risk taking, and suicide or self-injury. Long-term effects can include introduction to other drugs, depression and anxiety, social problems, as well as physical health problems (e.g., liver disease, brain damage, heart impairment, muscle weakness, weight gain, etc.).
The misuse of illicit drugs such as (but not limited to) cannabis, opioids (including heroin), cocaine, amphetamines (including methamphetamines and dextroamphetamine), hallucinogens (including Ecstasy), and inhalants can have life damaging effects. The explanations below provide outlines of the effects that alcohol and drugs can have on an individual.
Although used routinely as a beverage for enjoyment, alcohol can also have negative physical and mood effects when misused. These physical or mental alterations in an employee or student may have serious personal and public safety risks.
Health Effects
An average of three or more servings per day of beer (12 oz.), whiskey (1 oz.), or wine (6 oz.) over time, may result in the following health hazards:
- Dependency
- Fatal liver diseases
- Kidney disease
- Pancreatitis
- Ulcers
- Decreased sexual functions
- Increased cancers of the mouth, tongue, pharynx, esophagus, rectum, breast, and malignant melanoma
- Spontaneous abortion and neonatal mortality/birth defects
Social Issues
- 2/3 of all homicides are committed by people who drink prior to the crime.
- 2/3 of all Americans will be involved in an alcohol-related vehicle accident during their lifetime.
- Alcoholics are 15 times more likely to commit suicide.
- 38,000 people will die each year from alcohol caused liver disease.
Workplace/Classroom Issues
- It takes one hour for the average person (150 pounds) to process one serving of alcohol from the body.
- Impairment can be measured with as little as two drinks in the body.
- A person who is intoxicated is many times more likely to have an accident than a sober person.
Alcohol’s Effect throughout the Body
- Mouth and Esophagus: Alcohol is an irritant to the delicate linings of the throat and food pipe. It burns as it goes down.
- Stomach and Intestines: Alcohol has an irritating effect on the stomach’s protective lining, resulting in gastric or duodenal ulcers. This condition, if it becomes acute, can cause peritonitis, or perforation of the stomach wall. In the small intestine, alcohol blocks absorption of such substances as thiamin, folic acid, fat, vitamin B 1, vitamin B 12, and amino acids.
- Bloodstream: 95% of the alcohol taken into the body is absorbed into the blood stream through the lining of the stomach and duodenum. Once in the bloodstream, alcohol quickly goes to every cell and tissue in the body. Alcohol causes red blood cells to clump together in sticky wads, slowing circulation and depriving tissues of oxygen. It also causes anemia by reduction of red blood cell production. Alcohol slows the ability of white cells to engulf and destroy bacteria and degenerates the clotting ability of blood platelets.
- Pancreas: Alcohol irritates the cells of the pancreas, causing them to swell, thus blocking the flow of digestive enzymes. The chemicals, unable to enter the small intestine, begin to digest the pancreas, leading to acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis. One out of five patients who develop the disease dies during the first attack. Pancreatitis can destroy the pancreas and cause a lack of insulin, thus resulting in diabetes.
- Liver: Alcohol inflames the cells of the liver, causing them to swell and block the tiny canal to the small intestines. This prevents bile from being filtered properly through the liver. Jaundice develops, turning the whites of the eyes and skin yellow. Each drink of alcohol increases the number of live cells destroyed, eventually causing cirrhosis of the liver. This disease is eight times more frequent among alcoholics than among non-alcoholics.
- Heart: Alcohol causes inflammation of the heart muscle, it has a toxic effect on the heart, and causes increased amounts of fat to collect, thus disrupting its normal metabolism.
- Urinary Bladder and Kidneys: Alcohol inflames the lining of the urinary bladder making it unable to stretch properly. In the kidneys, alcohol causes increased loss of fluids through its irritating effect.
- Sex Glands: Swelling of the prostate gland caused by alcohol interferes with the ability of the male to perform sexually. It also interferes with the ability to climax during intercourse. Alcohol may also cause damage to a fetus resulting in birth defects.
- Brain: The most dramatic and noticed effect of alcohol is on the brain. It depresses brain centers, producing progressive lack of coordination, disorientation, stupor, anesthesia, coma, death. Alcohol kills brain cells and brain damage is permanent. Drinking over a period of time causes loss of memory, judgment and learning ability.
Marijuana is a controlled substance under Federal Law. Possession, cultivation and use are Federal offenses. CNM must comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and the Drug-Free Schools and Community Amendments of 1989, which require all colleges who are recipients of federal funds to take measures to ensure statutes are followed. Individuals with medical marijuana cards at CNM must abide by CNM’s policies and procedures.
Health Effects
- Emphysema-like conditions: One joint of marijuana contains cancer-causing substances equal to 1/2 pack of cigarettes.
- One joint causes the heart to race and be overworked. People with heart conditions are at a risk.
- Marijuana is commonly contaminated with the fungus Aspergillus, which can cause serious respiratory tract and sinus infections.
- Marijuana lowers the body’s immune system response, making users more susceptible to infection.
- Chronic smoking causes changes in brain cells and brain waves. The brain does not work as efficiently or effectively. Long-term brain damage may occur.
- Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 60 other chemicals in marijuana concentrate in the ovaries and testes.
- Chronic smoking of marijuana in males causes a decrease in testosterone and an increase in estrogen, the female hormone. As a result, the sperm count is reduced, leading to temporary sterility.
- Chronic smoking of marijuana in females causes a decrease in fertility.
- A higher than normal incidence of stillborn births, early termination of pregnancy, and higher infant mortality rates during the first few days of life are common in pregnant marijuana smokers.
- THC causes birth defects including brain damage, abnormalities to the spinal cord, forelimbs and liver, and water on the brain and spine in test animals.
- Prenatal exposure may cause underweight newborn babies.
- Fetal exposure may decrease visual functioning.
- A user’s mental function can display the following effects:
- Delayed decision making
- Diminished concentration
- Impaired short-term memory
- Impaired signal detection
- Distortion of time estimation
- Impaired tracking
- Erratic cognitive function
Workplace/Classroom Issues
- THC is stored in body fat and is slowly released.
- Marijuana smoking has long-term effects on performance.
- Increased THC potency in modern marijuana dramatically compounds the side effects.
- Combining alcohol or other depressant drugs with marijuana increases the impairing effects of both.
Cocaine is used medically as a local anesthetic. When abused, it becomes a powerful physical and mental stimulant. The entire nervous system is energized. Muscles tense, the heart beats faster and stronger, and the body burns more energy. The brain experiences exhilaration caused by a large release of neurohormones associated with mood elevation.
Health Effects
- Regular use may upset the chemical balance of the brain. As a result, it may speed up the aging process by causing damage to critical nerve cells. Parkinson's disease could also occur.
- Cocaine causes the heart to beat faster, harder, and rapidly increases blood pressure. It also causes spasms of blood vessels in the brain and heart. Both lead to ruptured vessels causing strokes and heart attacks.
- Strong dependency can occur with one “hit” of cocaine. Usually mental dependency occurs within days of using “crack” or within several months from snorting cocaine. Cocaine causes the strongest mental dependency of all the drugs.
- Treatment success rates are lower than other chemical dependencies.
- It is extremely dangerous when taken with other depressant drugs. Death due to overdose is rapid. Fatal effects are usually not reversible by medical intervention.
Workplace/Classroom Issues
- Extreme mood and energy swings create instability. Sudden noise causes a violent reaction.
- Lapses in attention and ignoring warning signals increases probability of accidents.
- High cost frequently leads to theft and/or dealing.
- Paranoia and withdrawal may create unpredictable or violent behavior.
- Performance is characterized by forgetfulness, absenteeism, tardiness, and missing assignments.
Opiates are narcotic drugs that alleviate pain and depress body functions and reactions.
Health Effects
- Intravenous needle users have a high risk of contracting hepatitis or AIDS when sharing needles.
- Increased pain tolerance. As a result, people may more severely injure themselves and fail to seek medical attention as needed.
- Narcotic effects are multiplied when combined with other depressants causing an increased risk of an overdose.
- Because of tolerance, there is an ever-increasing need for more.
- Strong mental and physical dependency occurs.
- With increased tolerance and dependency combined, there is a serious financial burden for the users.
Workplace/Classroom Issues
- Side effects such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness, mental clouding and drowsiness place the user at high risk for an accident.
- Causes impairment of physical and mental functions.
Amphetamines are central nervous system stimulants that speed up the mind and body.
Health Effects
- Regular use causes strong physiological dependency and increased tolerance.
- High doses may cause toxic psychosis resembling schizophrenia.
- Intoxication may induce a heart attack or stroke due to increased blood pressure.
- Chronic use may cause heart or brain damage due to severe constriction of capillary blood vessels.
- Euphoric stimulation increases impulsive and risk-taking behavior, including bizarre and violent acts.
- Withdrawal may result in severe physical and mental depression.
Workplace/Classroom Issues
- Since the drug alleviates the sensation of fatigue, it may be abused to increase alertness during periods of overtime or failure to get rest.
- With heavy use or increasing fatigue, the short-term mental or physical enhancement reverses and becomes an impairment.
Phencyclidine (PCP)
Phencyclidine is often used as a large animal tranquilizer. It is abused primarily for its mood altering effects. Low doses cause sedation and euphoric mood changes. Mood can rapidly change from sedation to excitation and agitation. Larger doses may produce a coma-like condition with muscle rigidity and a blank stare. Sudden noises or physical shocks may cause a “freak-out” in which the person has abnormal strength, violent behavior, and an inability to speak or comprehend.
Health Effects
- The potential for accidents and overdose emergencies is high due to the extreme mental effects combined with the anesthetic effect on the body.
- PCP, when combined with other depressants, including alcohol, increases the possibility of an overdose.
- If misdiagnosed as LSD-induced, treating with Thorazine can be fatal.
- Irreversible memory loss, personality changes, and thought disorders may result.
Workplace/Classroom Issues
- Not common in workplace primarily because of the severe disorientation that occurs.
- There are four phases to PCP:
- Acute toxicity causing combativeness, catatonia, convulsions and coma. Distortions of size, shape and distorted perception are common.
- Toxic psychosis with visual and auditory delusions, paranoia and agitation.
- Drug induced schizophrenia.
- Induced depression which may create suicidal tendencies and mental dysfunction.
It is the goal of CNM to provide AOD information and programming to students and employees regarding these risks. The Mental Health First Aid USA training and program will be utilized to provide information and risks involved in substance use disorders. CNM already provides an eight-hour certificate training in this program to students and employees. Currently over 300 students and employees have been certified in Mental Health First Aid USA, wherein an entire chapter of the training manual is focused on substance use disorders.
Resources for Students and Employees
CNM is a caring institution and wants its students to be successful while attending college and earning their degrees or certificates. Students can receive up to six free counseling sessions through the mental health services provided by the institution. CNM has entered a Memorandum of Understanding with The Solutions Group to provide direct services to our students. The Therapy Assistance Online application is also available to all CNM students, faculty and staff for free. CNM also maintains a current list of referral agencies within the local Albuquerque area for students who may need additional help beyond services provided by CNM.
CNM understands that its employees are the core of what makes the college successful. CNM does offer its employees services through its Employee Assistance Program (EAP). It offers confidential services for those employees in need of these types of support and recovery services. Employees with substance use disorder symptoms are encouraged to seek help. Employees can also request services through the resource list of Albuquerque agencies that provide direct support for this type of recovery.
Alcohol and other Drug Statistics
CNM has a very low incidence of alcohol and other drug misuse, mainly due to the fact the College is a two-year institution with no dormitories, sororities, fraternities, or athletic teams. CNM’s campuses are transitory in nature with students arriving to take their courses and often leaving campus when they are finished. The majority of incidents involving alcohol and other drug misuse involve the general public on the different campuses.
During the calendar years 2021 and 2022, there were no drug and alcohol related incidents that occurred on CNM campuses.
The table below shows the number of Student Code of Conduct violations for calendar years 2021 and 2022 as related to alcohol and drug misuse on all of CNM campuses. Student cases would be adjudicated according to the sanctions listed in the Student Code of Conduct.
Type of Sanction |
Academic Year |
Number of Sanctions |
Drug Misuse Violations |
2021 |
0 |
Alcohol Misuse Violations |
2021 |
0 |
Drug Misuse Violations |
2022 |
0 |
Alcohol Misuse Violations |
2022 |
0 |
Alcohol and Other Drug Program Goals
CNM’s vision statement of “Changing Lives, Building Community” truly represents the transition that students undergo when they enroll, attend, and graduate from CNM. The College’s core values of Be Caring, Be Ethical, Be Inspiring, Be Connected, Be Exceptional, and Be Courageous permeates the interactions that employees have with students. The AOD program goals are based on this vision statement and core values.
The AOD goals include:
- Provide students and employees with support and information on leading healthy life styles that promote an alcohol- and drug-free existence.
- As part of CNM’s healthier campus initiatives, design and implement programming to educate and train employees and students on the risks associated with AOD misuse.
Alcohol and Other Drug Misuse Programs
CNM cares for its students and employees as evidenced by the variety of resources available to both populations. It is a college that believes it is important to provide programming that will support the well-being, physical, and mental health of its students and employees. Students who violate the Student Code of Conduct are required to meet with the Conduct Officer as part of their due process in an investigation of alcohol and other drug abuse. The Conduct Officer ensures that a fair process is provided to students in these types of investigations. If the student is found to have violated the Student Code of Conduct, the student is issued a disciplinary sanction but is also provided resources for recovery from the substance use disorder. The Office of the Dean of Students firmly believes in maintaining a safe campus and learning environment; the Office also believes in helping students change behaviors that may be addictive or abusive towards alcohol and/or drugs.
The Office of the Dean of Students has established a “welfare check” protocol through which faculty, staff, and students can refer a student whose behavior may be suspect to AOD misuse. The Dean of Students and the Director of Wellness CNM meet with the student to determine if the student is in need of assistance for an AOD issue. Referrals are made to agency partners such as The Solutions Group. These welfare checks have proven to be successful as an early alert system for students in AOD crisis.
CNM’s Veterans Resource Center (VRC) has worked closely with the Office of the Dean of Students with veterans who have AOD issues. The VRC is staffed with a Veteran Program Manager who can refer student veterans in need of AOD counseling. These referrals are made through the regional Veterans Administration system.
CNM has Advisement that provides personalized services and resources to students in need. They are located at the Advanced Technology Center, Main Campus, Montoya Campus, Rio Rancho Campus, South Valley Campus, STEMulus Center and Westside Campus. Advisement is staffed by advisors who are employees dedicated to supporting student success at CNM. Their role includes assisting students with community resources.
In spring 2015, CNM signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Partnerships for a Healthier America to focus on a healthy college campus (for both students and employees). The MOU requires the College to develop guidelines that focus on a healthy physical well-being for students and employees. CNM added a mental health component that will focus on mental health well-being to include AOD preventive guidelines.
The Student Activities Office (with oversight by the Office of the Dean of Students) is instrumental in providing the CNM community with a variety of events geared towards information on AOD. The events bring organizations that provide community services and resources to CNM, where students and employees can access information on support programs aimed at reducing alcohol and other drug misuse. These events include:
- Student Community and Resource Fair (SCARF) offered at CNM’s Main, Montoya, Westside, and South Valley campuses during each term. The fair provides the CNM community with the opportunity to interact with various social agencies that deal directly with alcohol and substance misuse. These include counseling centers, domestic violence shelters, homeless centers, food banks, recovery centers, and many other support entities.
- CNM/University of New Mexico Behavioral Health Series is offered at CNM’s Main, Montoya, Westside and South Valley campuses during each term. This series brings experts in the field of behavioral health to present to the CNM community on topics such as Chronic Pain and Addiction, Alcohol and Domestic Violence, Substance Use Disorders, and other related topics.
- CNM offers a series of presentations on alcohol misuse and recovery through the DWI Resource Center. This is offered during the fall and spring terms for students and employees. Annually, efforts are made to schedule the DWI simulator at Main and Montoya campuses. This activity allows students to simulate what it would be like to drive a vehicle under the influence of alcohol. It provides students with a safe real-life example of how deadly drinking and driving can be.
- Suncat Days is offered each fall term at CNM’s Main, Montoya, Westside, and South Valley campuses. This event provides interactive events for students and employees with external agencies. The agencies include social services entities directly related to AOD misuse and recovery.
- Mental Health Awareness week is offered each May to coincide with National Mental Health Awareness Month. During this week, a community fair is held at CNM’s Main, Montoya, Westside, and South Valley campuses. This fair is specific to social agencies that deal directly with depression, anxiety disorders, psychosis, substance use disorders and eating disorders.
- Mental Health First Aid USA trainings are offered at all CNM campuses on an as-needed basis when requested by students and employees. Each course allows for 30 attendees and is recognized by the National Council for Behavioral Health for certification.
Human Resources (HR) wishes to promote the health, safety, and welfare of CNM employees by striving to eliminate the negative effects of substance use and misuse from the workplace, and to assist those employees who have a drug- and/or alcohol-related problem with rehabilitation. HR offers an Employee Assistance Program for employees who may have AOD addictions. The department also offers a Wellness Fair during the fall term at the Main Campus for employees to learn more about health and wellness.
Disciplinary Sanctions
The Office of the Dean of Students is responsible for the oversight of the Student Code of Conduct. The Student Code of Conduct section that directly applies to AOD violations is Legal Violations numbers 1 – 5. The sanctions for violations of this section can include verbal and/or written warning, probation, suspension, dismissal or expulsion. All students suspected of violating the AOD guidelines are provided due process. The majority of cases are adjudicated by the Director of Student Conduct and Responsibilities and/or the Dean of Students. Serious violations are referred to and adjudicated by a Hearing Committee. Two administrative and/or faculty members and one student member are required for each Hearing Committee. The Director of Student Conduct and Responsibilities serves as the hearing facilitator.
The Office of the Dean of Students works jointly with the CNM Security Department. The department is composed of Level II security officers who are limited in their authority regarding crimes that occur on CNM campuses. Security works closely with the Albuquerque Police Department (APD) and does participate in “Chief’s Overtime,” a program that allows APD officers to be present on CNM campuses during days and times agreed upon by CNM and APD. CNM Security notifies APD when involved in an AOD situation that may require certified law enforcement officers. CNM security officers are currently being trained in Mental Health First Aid USA to provide them with additional skills should they encounter a student or employee who may be in AOD crisis.
AOD Program Inventory
CNM has four departments that provide information regarding AOD preventive initiatives and sanctions for AOD misuse. These departments also host information on their websites. The departments include:
- Office of the Dean of Students
- Human Resources
- School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety (HWPS)
- School of Skilled Trades & Arts (STA)
The Office of the Dean of Students provides information regarding the illegal use of alcohol and other drugs in the Student Code of Conduct. This information is listed under the Legal Violations section. Violation of this section result in an investigation and due process for the student. It can result in a responsible finding and sanctions being issued. Depending on the severity of the violation it can also result in Security and Albuquerque Police Department being called for violations of state and local laws.
The Office of the Dean of Students does provide preventive information through the Student Activities Office and Wellness CNM. As mentioned earlier, the Student Activities Office offers a variety of events throughout the year as a way to engage students and employees in college life. These events do include agencies and or resource listings that provide information on AOD prevention and addiction. Some of these community agencies include:
- Agora Crisis Center
- Aliviar Counseling Services
- A New Awakening
- Family Workshop
- Optum Health
- Streetwise, Inc.
- UNM Psychiatric Center
The Human Resources department complies with the Drug-free Workplace Act of 1988, which stipulates that the College agrees to undertake certain steps designed to provide a drug-free workplace as a condition of receiving grants from federal agencies. In recognition of the dangers of substance abuse in the workplace, CNM shall maintain alcohol- and drug-free awareness programs to inform members of the campus community about issues and risks of substance abuse. An Employee Assistance Program is accessible and available through the department. The College will observe confidentiality regarding requests by employees for any type of substance abuse counseling information or assistance. No information will be disclosed without the written consent of the employee except in response to court order.
The School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety, the School of Skilled Trades & Arts and CNM Ingenuity have AOD polices directly related to their programs that require state licensure. Although CNM enforces a policy regarding substance abuse, the special needs of the School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety require additional procedures for handling the suspected drug/alcohol impairment of students enrolled in HWPS coursework, which is designated as clinical, practical or laboratory courses. Due to the nature of the courses, students enrolled in HWPS clinical/practical/laboratory courses must not be under the influence of any substance (regardless of whether the use of the substance is legal or illegal) that impairs or is likely to impair their clinical judgment while in the patient care, clinical, practical or laboratory setting.
CNM Ingenuity has an AOD policy in place for employees and students in the Truck Driving Program. CNM has a strong commitment to the health, safety and welfare of its employees, students and their families. Widely available statistics and information establish that the incidence of drug and alcohol abuse is increasing and that the effect is devastating to lives, business, and the community at large. CNM is concerned because the potential for abuse among some of our employees and students could endanger the safety of others and the general public.
It is the goal of CNM to provide a safe workplace by eliminating the hazards to health and job safety created by alcohol and other drug misuse. We believe this goal to be in the best interests of our employees, our students, and their families. CNM will comply with all U.S. Department of Transportation rules and regulations contained in 49CFR Part 40 and 382.
Program Effectiveness
The college has not yet conducted an evaluation of its program to determine the effectiveness; nevertheless, the number of cases referred to the Office of the Dean of Students for AOD review (as compared to the total number of students at the College) has been very low for calendar years 2021 and 2022 and could indicate that the programming directed at students has been successful. Data will have to be analyzed regarding the employee program effectiveness.
CNM has a strong commitment to the health, safety, and welfare of its employees. A healthy mind and body lends itself towards personal, academic, and career success. The following recommendations are based upon this review and are proposed to enhance and build upon the current information provided to our students and employees. The recommendations are for the next two years and include:
- Update the AOD information clearly on the Dean of Students and Human Resources web pages.
- Develop and design hard copy and electronic brochures specific to AOD criteria to provide to students and employees on a regular basis.
- Send students AOD policy electronically the second week of each term.
- Provide new students with AOD policy at each new student orientation.
- Send employees AOD policy electronically the third week of each term.
- Provide new employees with AOD policy at new employee orientation.
- Develop an AOD committee Chaired by the Dean of Students to review, maintain, and report AOD policy.
- Continue providing programming aimed at educating students and employees about the risk of AOD abuse and promotion of healthy lifestyles.
- Develop a programming rubric to track all events institute-wide aimed at AOD initiatives.
Summary of AOD Program Strengths and Weaknesses
After an analysis of CNM schools and departments that provide AOD policy, it was found that CNM does offer a variety of important information to employees and students. The information located on the web pages for Human Resources, School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety, School of Skilled Trades & Arts, CNM Ingenuity and the Office of the Dean of Students is pertinent to informing individuals of: a) standards of conduct; b) possible legal sanctions and penalties; c) statements of health risks associated with AOD abuse; 4) AOD programs available to students and employees; and 5) disciplinary sanctions for violations of the standards of conduct.
The supporting web pages for these offices were strong in listing resources to students and employees who may be in need of help regarding AOD abuse. The agencies listed in the resource pages are local and provide excellent benefits when utilized for alcohol and substance misuse. Many of these agencies have also offered strong support when they have been invited to attend various on-campus events.
The Student Activities Office provides alcohol and substance abuse programming aimed at giving students and employees information on the outcomes of addiction and recovery. The various fairs hosted at all campuses have been well received. The partnerships developed by the College with The University of New Mexico Health Services has provided an excellent source for AOD dialogue with experts in the field. These have been well-attended by students, employees, and community members. The commitment to work with Partnerships for a Healthier America to get students and employees physically and mentally healthy speaks highly of CNM’s commitment to the well-being of our students and employees.
The weaknesses that were identified through this reporting period can be easily corrected. Noted as a strength above, CNM does have multiple departments and schools with AOD policies. These policies can continue to exist but efforts need to be made to create a general policy that is shared with all students and employees. The Dean of Students will establish a committee to develop a uniform policy for the college that will meet the criteria required by the Drug-Free Schools and Campus Regulations (EDGAR Part 86).
The College is currently lacking brochures that are current and available for students and employees. The Dean of Students will work with the Marketing and Communications Office to ensure that new brochures are developed with updated information and are made available to all students, employees and the public.
The College did not have a committee that was selected to oversee the AOD program. Through the efforts of the report, the Dean of Students has recognized the need for such a committee and has already selected faculty, staff, and students for it. This committee will ensure that AOD policy and programs are consistently implemented and that all information requested by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education and the public is provided.