Courageous Conversations

Join the CNM Equity Council in a series of monthly Courageous Conversations that encourage growth in cultural competency.


For more information about Courageous Conversations, please email the CNM Equity Council. 

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The CNM Equity Council sponsors, hosts, and leads Courageous Conversations, a series that encourages participants to evaluate their personal behaviors and contributions from a multicultural perspective.

Moderated by Cathryn McGill, Founder and Director of the NM Black Leadership Council, Courageous Conversations is a safe space to grow and develop an equity lens.

Our conversations will work to increase racial knowledge, skill, and language to achieve equity in socioeconomic markers such as employment, pay, and education. Everyone (faculty, staff, and students) at CNM is encouraged to participate.

Current Courageous Conversations Series

Learn more about the Courageous Conversations that have taken place.

Equity and Justice in Healthcare and Health Outcomes

October 19, 2023

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) defines health disparities as, “preventable differences in the burden, disease, injury, violence, or in opportunities to achieve optimal health experienced by socially disadvantaged racial, ethnic, and other population groups and communities.” 

Join Cathryn McGill for the next Equity Council Courageous Conversation with Dr. Ross, Retired Medical Director at True Health New Mexico, and Dr. Andress, Equity, Community-Based Policy Researcher.

View the Zoom recording of Equity and Justice in Healthcare and Health Outcomes.

Intersectionality of Gender Identity and Race

June 23, 2023

“Human lives cannot be explained by single categories, such as gender, race, and sexual orientation. The intersection of these categories can produce both experiences of privilege and oppression. Intersectionality addresses discrimination that arises at the specific intersection of multiple identities.” - LGBTIQ Intersect

Join members of the LGBTQIA2S+ Advisory Committee and CNM’s Equity Council as we explore the Intersectionality of Gender Identity and Race.

Bringing Awareness to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women

May 31, 2023

This presentation was co-sponsored by the CNM Native American Advisory Council (NAAC). The keynote speaker was Anita King, mother of Pepita Redhair, who has been missing since March 27, 2020. View the flyer for Pepita Redhair for more information on her case. 

Watch the recording of Bringing Awareness to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women.