Process of Developing a CNM Land Acknowledgement

Learn about the process of developing a CNM land acknowledgement, including timeline and updates, and recommended reading.

The purpose of a land acknowledgment statement is to recognize the settler colonial history of land occupied by a college and identify Indigenous groups who have relationships with the land. An official land acknowledgment statement is endorsed by executive leadership and represents the official position of a college. Indigenous scholars and community members recommend developing a land acknowledgement statement with input and collaboration from Tribal Nations. Other steps can be taken by a college to go beyond a land acknowledgement, such as building relationships between college leaders and leaders of Tribal Nations; returning Native land; allocating financial resources to Indigenous students and communities; recognizing Indigenous ways of knowing; and implementing Indigenous protocols on campus.

The Native American Advisory Council is working with the Office of DEI to develop an official land acknowledgment statement. The CNM Land Acknowledgement Research Sub-Team of the Native American Advisory Council was formed in July 2021. They are working with the Tribal communities of New Mexico to develop a comprehensive, collaborative statement. Members of the Land Acknowledgement Research Sub-Team value input from Tribal Nations and have prioritized relationship-building with those communities. The focus is on respecting the process by not completing an official land acknowledgement statement while these early collaborations with Tribal Nations are still taking place.

Timeline and Updates

  • Summer 2020
    • Land Acknowledgement Research Sub-Team formed
  • Summer 2020 – Fall 2021
    • Research completed about land acknowledgement and the land CNM occupies
  • Fall 2021
    • Institutional land acknowledgement statement drafted
  • Fall 2021
    • All Pueblo Council of Governors contacted about draft land acknowledgement
  • Fall 2021
    • APCG requested "improved collaboration plan with the Pueblos"
  • Summer 2022
    • Draft of CNM-Pueblo Collaboration Plan completed
  • Fall 2022
    • Draft of CNM-Pueblo Collaboration Plan shared with DEI Executive Director
  • Summer 2023 – Spring 2023
    • Draft of CNM-Pueblo Collaboration Plan revised
  • Summer 2024
    • All Pueblo Council of Governors contacted to request further discussion about draft land acknowledgement

Recommended Reading

Ambo, T., & Rocha Beardall, T. (2023). Performance or progress? the physical and rhetorical removal of Indigenous Peoples in settler land acknowledgments at land-grab universities. American Educational Research Journal, 60(1), 103-140.

Red Shirt-Shaw, M. (2020). Beyond the land acknowledgement: College "LAND BACK" or free tuition for Native students [Policy and practice brief]. Hack the Gates.

Stewart-Ambo, T., & Yang, W.K. (2021). Beyond land acknowledgment in settler institutions. Social Text, 39(1), 21–46.