Register for Classes

Learn about the registration process and how to register for class.

Steps to Register

1. Learn About Programs and Classes

Begin the registration process by visiting EduNavPrograms A-Z, and the Catalog to learn about classes, programs, and degree/certificate requirements.

2. Create Your Schedule

After you decide on your classes, visit the Schedule of Classes to create your schedule.

The Schedule of Classes is a resource for viewing class availability, online or on-campus locations, course times, and instructor information.

3. Register for Classes

Summer 2025 registration is open for new or returning students!

Get help planning your schedule with CNM Advisement.

Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) does not discriminate based on sex and prohibits sex discrimination in any educational program or activity it operates, in compliance with Title IX. This includes admissions and employment. For concerns or questions, contact the Title IX Coordinator by visiting the Title IX website.