Ineligible Courses List

The courses listed below are ineligible for Federal Financial Aid.

Ineligible Federal Financial Aid Courses by Catalog Year

2022-2024 Ineligible Federal Financial Aid Courses

  • All Apprenticeships
  • All GED Courses
  • All Courses Below 0970
  • All Courses Ending in 96 that are not listed under an eligible program are ineligible except for courses ending in 1096, 1996, 2096 or 2996.
  • All Courses that are not listed under an eligible program in the 2022-2023 catalog and 2023-2024 catalog.
  • Courses under programs currently pending approval from the Department of Education will not be eligible. 

The ineligible courses list is subject to change as courses are added or removed from the Course Catalog.

Ineligible Courses

ACCT 1401
ACCT 1498
ACCT 2097
ANTH 2998
ARTH 2214
ARTH 2224
BEV 2195
BUSA 2798                                   
BUSA 2898                        
CAD 1003
CARP 1325
CARP 2997
CCAP - All Courses
CDV 1020/ECED1135
CDV 2212
CHW 1190
CIS 2088
CIS 2198
COS 1097
CSE 0650
DANC 2140
DETC 2097
DETC 2197
DETC 2297
ECME 2242
EDUC 2090
EDUC 2097
EDUC 2222
EDUC 2224
EDUC 2225
EDUC 2226
EDUC 2230
EDUC 2231
EDUC 2232
EDUC 2272
EDUC 2310

EDUC 2232
EDUC 2272
EDUC 2310
ELEC 2095
ELEC 2097
ELEC 2098
ELEM 1189
ELTR 2997
ELTR 2999
EMS 2015
EMS 2097
ENG 0550-
ENG 0896
ENG 2260
ENG 2261

ENGR 2996
ESL 0250
ESL 0350
ESL 0450
ESL 0500
ESL 0505
ESL 0550
ESL 0600
ESL 0650
ESOL 0350
ESOL 0450
ESOL 0551
ESOL 0651
ETAP - All Courses
FILM 1007
FILM 1009
FILM 1011
FILM 1292
FILM 1392
FILM 2097

GED – All Courses
GEMS 0500
GIS 2095
GIS 2097
GTAP - All Courses
HHA 1090
HHA 1190
HIT 2070
HLTH 1050
HSV 2550
HVAC 2297
HWPS 1005
IRW 0896
IT 0850-
IWAP – All courses
MATH 0850
MATT 2025
MATT 2097
MEMS 2001

MT 2005
MT 2095
MT 2097
MT 2098
MUS 1109-1250
MUS 1290
NA 1096-1996
NA 1115
NAVS 1193
NR 2110
NR 2190

NUR 1592
PC 2001
PC 2005
PC 2010
PHIL 1135
PHOT 1010
PHOT 2001
PHOT 2010
PHOT 2025
PHOT 2095
PHOT 2097
PHOT 2098
PHOT 2999
PLAP - All Courses
PLMB 1310
PLMB 2997
PM 2097
PM 2098
PSD 1002
PSD 1102
PTA 1192
PTA 1292
RT 1592
RT 2092
RT 2097
RT 2098
SCSE 1070
SCSE 1075
SERV 1190
SIGN 2998
SMAP -All Courses
SPED 2196
SPED 2233
SPED 2256
SPT 1010
SPT 1110
SPT 1092
THEA 1330
THEA 2450
TLOL 1010
TLOL 1015
TLOL 1020
TLOL 1025
TLOL 1030
TLOL 1035 

TLOL 1010
TLOL 1015
TLOL 1020
TLOL 1025
TLOL 1030
TLOL 1035                                            TRDR 1120                                            TRDR 1220                                            TRDR 1392
TRDR 2097
TRDR 1593
VICA - All Courses
WELD 2097