Tuition Waiver and Reimbursement
- Tuition and fees may not be waived more than once for the same course.
- Courses offered by the WORKforce Training Center are not covered by these benefits.
- Employees in collective bargaining units should refer to applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements for benefits.
See the Employee Handbook for employee classifications.
CNM Tuition Waiver
Eligible employees may take CNM courses and have the tuition waived.
For regular full-time staff and regular full-time instructors the benefit covers up to 18 credit hours per calendar year when enrolled in a degree or certificate program. If not enrolled in a degree or certificate program, the employee is eligible to waive up to 9 credit hours per calendar year.
Regular part-time staff are eligible for 9 credit hours per calendar year if enrolled in a degree or certificate program. If not enrolled in a degree or certificate program, the employee is eligible to waive up to 4 credit hours per calendar year. Part-time instructors may use this benefit in each term they have a teaching workload.
• Spouses/domestic partners and eligible dependent children are eligible for this benefit. Details about dependent eligibility and benefits are found in the Employee Handbook.
Tuition Reimbursement
Regular full-time staff and regular full-time instructors are eligible for tuition reimbursement for courses taken outside of CNM for up to 18 credit hours per calendar year when enrolled in a degree or certificate program. Credit hours are calculated/accumulated based on when the employee is reimbursed/paid for the tuition amount, not when the classes/credits were taken. Tuition costs are reimbursed at the actual cost or at the current University of New Mexico tuition rate, whichever is less and the courses must be completed with a grade of C or better.