Faculty Period Activity Pay

Period Activity Pay ensures that all faculty contracts are accurate in pay and consistent with contractual agreements.

The Faculty Load and Compensation (FLAC) process is now called Period Activity Pay in Workday. Period Activity Pay ensures that all faculty contracts are accurate in pay and consistent with contractual agreements, furthering the College’s mission of being a leader in education and training with the vision of "Changing Lives, Building Community."

Full-time and part-time faculty employment is governed by the CBA. The Collective Bargaining Agreement between CNM and the Union and can be accessed online by going to HR’s homepage, then clicking on Labor Relations

These contracts are subject to the provisions of the Employee Handbook, as revised at any time. To the extent not specifically contrary to the provisions herein, the Employee Handbook is incorporated into this contract.

Faculty Contracts consists of: 

  • Full-time and Part-time contract information
  • Full and Part-time faculty paid for non-teaching hours
  • Required hours worked for full-time and part-time contracts – compared and calculated
  • Pay scale for credit hours and education level of instructor by tier
  • Concept of ‘Contracted pay’
  • Higher degrees
  • Acknowledgments
  • CBA references
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Contacts

Human Resources’ goal is to improve operations with standardized processes, compliance, and quality assurance.

For questions or comments, please contact the HR Faculty Contracts Consultant.