IS - 2514 Hiring for Contract and Grant Funded Positions (Policy)

Human Resources

Release Date: 12-24-97


CNM Board Policy

Employee Handbook 3.0, Employment Policies

Administrative Directive


As an educational institution, Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) can obtain funding through state, federal, local and private contract and grant processes. As a result, funds are allocated to hire individuals to perform specific duties outlined in the contract or grant. This document defines the guidelines and hiring process that applies to all individuals hired for contract or grant-funded positions, regardless of the funding sources.

1. Categories and Types of Contract and Grant Positions

1.1 Typical contracts and grants specify positions needed to conduct the required contract and grant activities. It is important to remember that contracts and grants can be unique and should be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.

1.2 Contract and grant jobs are separated into three categories: project manager, support and task based. Project manager and support positions provide the core administrative and functional responsibilities of a contract or grant, and task based positions are funded to provide specialized needs for a block of time. Project manager and support positions must go through the Human Resources job evaluation process, but task based positions are evaluated and rated by the CGA or project manager (investigator).

1.2.1 Project Manager (Investigator) Positions

The project manager (investigator) is responsible for the core administrative and functional responsibilities involving the design, conduct or reporting of a federal, state or private project. Project manager (investigator) positions are usually filled first under the generic project manager description ( Section 8, Definitions). The CGA and Human Resources evaluate the project manager position to assign a salary within a standard range of pay that can only be altered by the President of the College. Project manager positions are filled using the substantiation process (refer to Section 3, Substantiation and Justification Process).

1.2.2 Support Positions

Support positions provide backing for completion of the core administrative and functional responsibilities of a federal, state or private project. Support positions are usually filled by the CGA or the project manager (investigator). These positions include such job titles as: technicians, directors, counselors, lab assistants and administrative assistants. Support positions are filled using the substantiation process (refer to Section 3 Substantiation and Justification Process).

1.2.3 Task Based Positions

Task based positions are ancillary and provide special needs for a block of time. Task based positions are filled through position release (for example, course release for faculty) or extra compensation with prior approval from the appropriate vice president. Task based positions are filled using the justification process (refer to Section 3, substantiation and justification process).

2. Designated and Non-Designated Positions

2.1 Any category of C&G can be either designated or non-designated.

2.1.1 Designated positions have a named person identified in the contract or grant proposal. Designated project manager (investigator) and support positions are substantiated and processed through a waiver of announcement defined in the Job Vacancies document, IS-2010, and are supported by the employment packet documents listed in Table 1. Designated task based positions are processed through a justification process and are supported by the employment packet documents listed in Table 1.

2.1.2 Non-designated positions require the selection of a candidate. Non-designated project manager (investigator) and support positions are processed according to the job posting process defined in Job Vacancies IS-2010, and are supported by the employment packet documents listed in Table 1 as part of the substantiation process. Non-designated task based positions are posted through the Contract and Grant Posting Website, and are supported by the employment packet documents listed in Table 1 as part of the justification process.

3. Substantiation and Justification Processes

3.1 Substantiation Process

3.1.1 Each project manager (investigator) and support position must be filled using a substantiation process, which involves the completion of a series of steps and documents that substantiate the selection of a designated or non-designated employee. The procedural steps for the substantiation process are detailed in Section 1, Position Evaluation and Hiring Process of the procedure document.

The documents required for hiring designated or non-designated employees for full project positions are outlined in Table 1, Employment Packet Documents.

3.2 Justification Process

3.2.1 Each task based position must be filled using a justification process, which involves the completion of a series of steps and documents that justify the selection of a designated or non-designated employee.


The documents required for hiring designated and non-designated employees for full project positions are outlined in Table 1, Employment Packet Documents.

Substantiation Process Documents

Project Manager (Investigator) and Support

Designated Positions

Non-Designated Positions

  1. Recommendation for Job Posting/Employment
    Part II - Employment Recommendation or Waiver of Announcement
  2. Evaluation Commitment
  3. Release Request
  4. Justification Memo
  5. Offer of Employment
  6. Relevant portions of the Project
  7. Employment Contract
  8. Résumé (Optional)
  9. Employment Application
  1. Recommendation for Job Posting Employment
    Part I - Request to Post Position
  2. Releases Request
  3. Recommendation for Job Posting/Employment
    Part II - Employment Recommendation or Waiver of Announcement
  4. Offer of Employment
  5. Relevant portions of the project proposal and award document
  6. Employment Contract
  7. Résumé (Optional)
  8. Employment Application

Justification Process Documents

Task Based

Designated Positions

Non-Designated Positions

  1. Release Request
  2. Participation Agreement
  3. Justification Memo
  1. Contract and Grant Posting Request
  2. Releases Request
  3. Participation Agreement
  4. Justification Memo

4. Review of Contract and Grant Positions

4.1 The Contract and Grant Administer (CGA) or project manager (investigator) identifies all positions named in the awarded contract or grant and works with Human Resources (HR) to fill each of the positions according to the hiring process for project manager (investigator)/support and task based positions.

4.2 Project manager (investigator) positions whether designated or non-designated are not subject to the pointing portion of the Job Evaluation Process, but must comply with all the other substantiation process steps.

4.3 Support positions are subject to the pointing portion of the Job Evaluation Process. The pointing process is designed to provide a comparison of contract and grant positions to other like or similar positions at CNM so that the salary justification can be based on an equitable system.

Because contracts and grants can be unique, or treated with exception, it may be necessary to look at similar positions in the marketplace to complete to the pointing process and hire candidates at market-value salary ranges that can fall above comparative CNM salaries.

After the Job Content Questionnaire is received and confirmed for completeness and accuracy, HR commits to completing the pointing process in a five (5) day time frame. This commitment is designated on the Evaluation Commitment form.

5. Conditions of Contracts and Grants

5.1 General Conditions

The general conditions that apply to offering and accepting contract and grant-funded positions involve: position review, offer of employment, participation agreement, benefits, resignation/termination and funding changes.

5.1.1 Individuals accepting project manager or support contract or grant-funded positions are required to sign an offer of employment and employment contract accepting the terms of the position. Individuals accepting a task based position are required to sign a participation agreement accepting terms of the position.

This is a list of the most common employment terms that can be included in the letter of agreement:

  • length of assignment
  • salary while working on the contract or grant
  • salary increases
  • salary upon return to CNM funded position (if applicable)
  • possible extension
  • employee termination and grant cancellation

5.1.2 All regular CNM positions vacated through release to contract or grant-funded positions are protected for the length of the project. The CNM employee's position is protected, allowing them to return to their regular position at the end of the contract or grant period if their vacancy is approved by their immediate supervisor.
In the interim, all of these positions are filled with limited-term employees using the standard posting process (IS-2010). It is important to emphasize that these interim positions are only available for the length of time the full-time CNM employee is part of the contract or grant-funding period.

If the immediate supervisor does not approve the release of the candidate, the CGA or project manager (investigator) may use the Release Request to a appeal the supervisor's decision.

5.1.3 If the contract of a grant-funded position becomes an College-funded position, the standard CNM job evaluation and posting process is utilized to staff the position (IS-2010).

5.1.4 If a resignation/termination results in a vacancy, this position will be staffed by repeating the non-designated hiring process.

5.1.5 The employee definition/category of an individual, benefit eligibility and employee resignation and termination in a contract or grant-funded position is administered per the College's Employee Handbook.

5.2 Salary Conditions

There are two options for payment for contract and grant positions: standard payroll schedule and progressive installments. Project manager and support positions are generally paid through the standard payroll schedule while task based position (dependent on the participation agreement) are either paid through the standard payroll schedule or progressive installments.

5.2.1 Project Manager (Investigator) and Support Positions

Core contract and grant positions can be paid through position release (with supervisor's and vice president permission), hourly rates or extra compensation (with prior approval).

In keeping with federal guidelines, CNM employees' rate of pay can be adjusted according to the job responsibilities. Pay increases, if any, must be funded by the contract or grant in accordance with CNM policy. If the funding agency authorizes overtime pay rates of at least one and one-half the employee's normal rate, a non-exempt level employee can exceed a 40 hour work week by receiving additional compensation working on a contract or grant project. Some funding agencies will not pay overtime rates. The CGA or project manager (investigator) may require the use of a Time/Effort Log Report.

5.2.2 Task Based Positions

Task based positions are paid through position release or extra compensation. The hourly compensation is documented on the CNM payroll time sheets. Task based positions may be paid by the standard payroll schedule or progressive payments. Task based positions may be paid in progressive installments that represent work paid for work completed.  It is the responsibility of the CGA or the project manager (investigator) to monitor the project so that it is completed by the schedule deadline.

(1) The hours input to meet the minimum hours assigned to the project must be documented on a time/effort log and be retained in the CGA or investigator's project files for audit purposes.

(2) Progressive payments are lump sum payments made to employees.  Any adjusted rate of pay must be supported in the Justification Memo.

The CGA or project manager (investigator) need to determine the minimum hours for completing the project. The sum of the progressive payment divided by the current rate of pay indicates the minimum number of hours assigned to a project.

Progressive payment/rate of pay = minimum hours assigned to a project

Individuals working on a progressive project do not receive compensation for hours that exceed the minimum hour allotment assigned to the project. If a project is not completed due to extenuating circumstances, the CGA or project manager (investigator) must document the circumstances as a justification to the awarding agency.

6. Contract or Grant Extension

6.1 When a position in a contract or grant is extended, the CGA or project manager (investigator) must obtain an extension of the release request and an extension of the participation agreement or employment contract, which includes salary rates.

6.2 If an employee does not want to extend the contract, the position must be posted and filled using the hiring processes described in Section 5.

6.3 Extensions should be addressed prior to the expiration date of the contract or grant to allow sufficient time to retain or hire new personnel for the position identified in the grant or contract.

7. Contract or Grant Termination or Cancellation

7.1 Upon notice of termination of a contract or grant, the CGA or project manager (investigator) notifies all position holders of the effective date of the contract or grant termination.

7.2 Those individuals employed solely for the contract or grant are released per the Employee Separation Procedure, IS-2004.

7.3 If a contract or grant is terminated, those individuals employed in both contract and grant-funded and College-funded positions are released only from the contract and grant-funded portion of their employment per the Employee Separation Procedure, IS-2004.

7.4 Employees working on a contract/grant release agreement need to negotiate with their home department and Human Resources for early reassignment.

8. Definitions

Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)

The CGA designated in the proposal is responsible for overseeing the contract or grant project. This individual is assigned by the Vice President for Instruction.

Designated Staff

Individuals who are specifically named in the contract or grant application.

Generic Project Manager (Investigator) Description

A job description and salary range that precludes completing an evaluation process by Human Resources for any project manager (investigator) position.

Job Evaluation Process

The process utilized by the Human Resources Department to establish the relative importance of jobs to the organization.

Project Manager (Investigator)

The investigator, program director and any other person who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of a federal, state or private project.

Limited-Term Employee

Replacing a regular employee for the length (term) indicated in the contract or grant.

Non-Designated Staff

Positions identified in contracts or grants that do not have specific individuals named to the positions.

Position Release Time

The release time allowed a staff employee who has been released to work on a contract or grant.

Project-Based Positions

Temporary or ancillary positions that provide specialized needs for a block of time to support contract or grant activities.

Rate of Pay

The rate of pay is the hourly rate for which an individual is compensated (verify the amount by contacting the CNM Payroll Office).

Release Time

Release time for employees obtaining contract or grant positions is evaluated using a mullet-level determination process that requires the signatures of the CGA, human resources representative, released employee, immediate supervisor dean/department director, and vice-president.

Standard Range of Pay

A pay range used to determine rate of pay amounts for specific investigator and program administrator positions.

Support Positions

The person who supports the core administrative and functional responsibilities of a federal, state or private project.