IS-2514 Hiring for Contract and Grant Funded Positions (Procedure)
Human Resources
Release Date: 12-24-97
1. Position Evaluation and Hiring Process
1.1 Project Manager/Support Position Hiring Process for Designated Staff
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.1.1 Determine if the project manager (investigator) will take over hiring of other positions identified in the contract or grant. The CGA or the project manager (investigator) then works with Human Resources Department to fill the support positions using the substantiation process, which is explained in the remaining steps of this section.
1.1.2 Work with Human Resources to determine if a Job Content Questionnaire should be completed for each project manager/support position within the contract (Job Vacancies), if so, it is completed and sent to HR for evaluation.
Human Resources Representative
1.1.3 Review the Job Content Questionnaire to determine if any revisions or additions are necessary. If the questionnaire is not complete return it to the CGA or project manager (investigator) for rework.
Once the questionnaire is accepted, complete a Job Evaluation Commitment, which is sent to the CGA or project manager (investigator) to indicate the five (5) day time range in which the pointing process for salary recommendation is completed.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)/Human Resources Representative
1.1.4 Determine an appropriate rate of pay for the various positions based on skills, abilities, responsibilities and the contract or grant budget.
Human Resources Representative
1.1.5 Begin the job evaluation process and research rates of pay information and confirm that all of the paperwork and the procedure steps for the substantiation process are understood.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.1.6 Begin the substantiation process, after the salary is determined, by writing a justification memo to support justification for the rate of pay assigned to the position and justification for the candidate selected.
The memo provides an audit trail. The justification memo contains the following elements:
- Contract/Grant Title
- Candidate Name
- Position Title
- Qualifications
- Special Conditions/Circumstances
- Salary (rate of pay)
- Justification for rate of pay (if it exceeds current rate of pay)
- Length of Assignment
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.1.7 Waive the posting by completing and obtaining the appropriate approvals on the Recommendation for Job Posting/Employment, Part II - Employment Recommendation or Waiver of Announcement.
For internal hires, the CGA or project manager (investigator) must also obtain the release of the candidate by completing a release request.
1.1.8 Include relevant portions of the project proposal and the award along with the designated employee's resume and employment application document as further substantiation.
1.1.9 Forward the employment substantiation packet to the Human
Resources Department for review and confirmation.
Contents of Employment Substantiation Packet:
- Justification Memo
- Recommendation for Job Posting/Employment - Part II
- Release Request form
- Resume
- Employment application
- Relevant portions of the project and the award document
Human Resources Representative
1.1.10 Review the documents and confirm that the hiring and substantiation process is complete.
1.1.11 Contact the CGA or the project manager (investigator) once the designation is substantiated and cleared by Human Resources, so that an offer of employment (exempt or non-exempt) can be extended to the designated employee.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.1.12 Decline of the offer or employment agreement results in the CGA or project manager (investigator) filling the position using the non-designated hiring process.
Human Resources Representative
1.1.13 File the employment substantiation packet, which includes: justification memo,Recommendation for Posting/Employment Part II - Waiver of Announcement, release request, resume, employment application, and relevant portions of the project proposal and the award document, application and any other pertinent documents.
1.2 Project Manager/Support Position Hiring Process for Non-Designated Positions
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
All of the evaluation and substantiation steps that follow apply to the project manager (investigator) position except for the pointing process for salary determination because this position is filled using a standard range of pay. The actual budget for salary is based upon negotiations between the funding agency and CNM.
1.2.1 Determine if the project manager (investigator) will take over hiring of other positions identified in the contract or grant. The CGA or the project manager (investigator) then works with the Human Resources Department to fill the support positions using the substantiation process, which is explained in the remaining steps of this section.
Generally, the first position filled is the designated project manager (investigator). This position is hired under the Generic Project Manager Description.
1.2.2 Work with Human Resources to determine if a Job Content Questionnaire should be completed for each project manager/support position within the contract (IS-2010, Job Vacancies), if so, it is completed and sent to HR for evaluation.
Human Resources Representative
1.2.3 Review the Job Content Questionnaire to determine if any revisions or additions are necessary. If the questionnaire is not complete, return it to the CGA or project manager (investigator) for rework.
Once the questionnaire is accepted, complete a Job Evaluation Commitment, which is sent to the CGA or project manager (investigator) to indicate the five (5) day time range in which the pointing process for salary recommendation is completed.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)/Human Resources Representative
1.2.4 Determine an appropriate rate of pay for the various positions based on skills, abilities, responsibilities and the contract or grant budget.
CGA or Project Manager (Investigator)
1.2.5 Complete the Recommendation for Job Posting/Employment - Part II to have the position posted through Human Resources.
Human Resources
1.2.6 Submit the applicant pool package to the CGA or project manager (investigator). The CGA or the project manager (investigator) identify qualified candidates and interviews are conducted.
CGA or Project Manager (Investigator)
1.2.7 Complete and obtain signatures on Part II of the Recommendation of Posting/Employment, upon selection of a candidate. For internal hires, the CGA or project manager (investigator) must also obtain the release of the candidate by completing a release request.
1.2.8 Complete the substantiation process by writing a justification memo to support justification for the rate of pay assigned to all positions and the justification for the candidate selected. The memo also provides an audit trail.
The Justification Memo contains the following elements:
- Justification Memo
- Recommendations for Job Posting/Employment - Part I & II
- Release Request form
- Resume
- Employment Application
- Relevant portions of the project and the award document
Human Resources Representative
1.2.9 Review the documents and confirm that the hiring and substantiation process is complete.
1.2.10 Contact the CGA or the project manager (investigator) once the designation is substantiated and cleared by Human Resources, so that an offer of employment can be extended to the designated employee.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.2.11 Decline of the offer or employment agreement results in the CGA or project manager (investigator) filling the position using the non-designated hiring process.
1.3 Task Based Hiring Process for Designated Positions
Task based positions are filled using a justification process that provides for posting the positions on the Contract and Grant Positions Website, documenting the hiring on an employment agreement, and justification for candidate choice and the designated rate of pay.
Task based positions are usually filled for a block of time during the duration of the contract or grant time frame. For this reason, the task-based activities may occur at different times throughout the contract or grant.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.3.1 Fill the task based positions according to the justification hiring process described in this section.
1.3.2 Complete a justification memo that supports the justification for the rate of pay assigned to the position, and the justification for the candidate designated in the contract or grant.
The justification memo contains the following elements:
- Contract/Grant Title
- Candidate Name
- Position Title
- Qualifications
- Special Conditions/Circumstances
- Salary (rate of pay)
- Justification for rate of pay (if it exceeds current rate of pay)
- Length of assignment
Designated employee positions do not require posting on the Contract and Grant positions website.
1.3.3 Complete a release request if the contract or grant position impacts the CNM job assignment.
1.3.4 Present an offer using a participation agreement. Send a copy of the participation agreement to the Payroll Office and Contract and Grants Office.
1.3.5 Maintain files for all of the documents used in the justification process which include: justification memo and participation agreement.
1.3.6 Decline of an offer results in a renewed search for a candidate using the non-designated task-based hiring process.
1.4 Task Based Hiring Process for Non-Designated Positions
Task based positions are filled using a justification process that provides for posting the positions on the Contract and Grant Positions Website, documenting the hiring on a participation agreement and justification for candidate choice and the designated rate of pay.
Task based positions are usually filled for a block of time during the duration of the contract or grant time frame. For this reason, the task-based activities may occur at different times throughout the contract or grant.
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
1.4.1 Fill the task-based positions according to the non-designated employee justification hiring process described in this section.
1.4.2 Complete a Contract and Grant Website Posting Request to post the non-designated task based employee positions on the Contract and Grant Positions Website. Submit the request to Human Resources to review and post.
1.4.3 Interview the qualified candidates and make a selection. Complete a release request if the assignment impacts the candidates CNM job assignment and then present an offer using a participation agreement.
A copy of the participant agreement is sent to the Payroll Office and Contracts and Grants Office.
1.4.4 Complete the justification memo to support the justification for the rate of pay assigned to the positions, and justification for the candidate selected. The memo provides audit information.
The Justification Memo contains the following elements:
- Contract/Grant Title
- Candidate Name
- Position Title
- Qualifications
- Special Conditions/Circumstances
- Salary (rate of pay)
- Justification for rate of pay (if it exceeds current rate of pay)
- Length of assignment
A release request is completed if the contract or grant position impacts the CNM job assignment.
1.4.5 Maintain all documents used in the justification process which include: justification memo and participation agreement.
1.4.6 Decline of an offer results in an offer to the second candidate, or in repeating the non-designated task-based hiring process.
2. Contract or Grant Extension
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
2.1 Obtain an extension of the release request and an extension of the participation agreement or employment contract, which includes salary rates.
2.2 Post all vacated positions using the hiring process discussed in Position Evaluation and Hiring Process.
2.3 Address extensions prior to the expiration date of the contract or grant to allow sufficient time to retain or hire new personnel for the position identified in the grant or contract.
3. Contract or Grant Termination or Cancellation
Contract or Grant Administrator (CGA)/Project Manager (Investigator)
3.1 Notify all position holders of the effective date of the contract or grant termination.
3.2 Release all individuals employed solely for the contract or grant per the Employee Separation procedure. Those individuals employed in both contract and grant-funded and College-funded positions are released only from the contract and grant-funded portion of their employment per the Employee Separation procedure.
Contract or Grant Employee
3.3 Negotiate early reassignment with individual home departments and Human Resources.
Financial Disclosure Statement
Request to Post on Website
Employment Contract
Job Evaluation Commitment
Participation Agreement
Recommendation for Job Posting/Employment Part I-II
Release Request
Time/Effort Log
Support Materials:
IS-2004, Employment Separation
IS-2010, Job Vacancies
Justification Memo
Offer of Employment (Exempt)
Offer of Employment (Non-Exempt)
Reference Materials:
Employee Handbook 3.0, Employment Policies