Article 11: Employee Evaluations

Collective Bargaining Agreement for Full-Time Faculty


The primary purpose for employee evaluations shall be the improvement of performance.


Each employee shall have an annual written evaluation using a College approved format.  At will (trial period) employees will meet once per term with the Dean,   Acting Dean, or Associate Dean to discuss job performance.  This language shall not in any way prevent the College from exercising its right to terminate an at will employee.


Student evaluations will continue to be an element of employee evaluations. The faculty member shall review end of course student evaluations and where appropriate address any concerns. The Dean shall be responsible for assessing and determining the validity of student criticism.


If a supervisor identifies an employee behavior, which the supervisor determines to be in need of remediation and does not rise to the level of an issue that requires immediate attention, the observed behavior shall be discussed with the employee and if the problem is not remedied it will be submitted to the employee in writing. Problem behaviors could include, but are not limited to, consistently low scores in: student evaluations, student course success rates, and expectations referenced in Article 17.2. The supervisor may assist the employee in developing a solution to the problem and a reasonable time period for improvement to take place. This provision shall not be interpreted in a manner, which prevents the College from taking disciplinary action against an employee.


Prior to the completion of any written evaluation, the supervisor shall offer a conference with the employee to discuss the employee's evaluation.


The employee may submit a written response to any evaluation. The response shall be attached to the evaluation.  If the response and any attachments is more than two pages, the employee must submit the material electronically.


The evaluation and supervision of employees shall be used only for legitimate business purposes.