Article 10: Leave

Collective Bargaining Agreement for Part-Time Faculty

Part-time instructors accrue leave as delineated in this Article. Leave accrued as a part-time instructor may not be used for an absence in another employment capacity with the College. Leave accrued in another employment capacity with the College cannot be used for an absence as a part-time instructor. All leave is subject to prior approval of the Dean or Dean’s designee. Part-time instructors who are also employed at the College in a full-time capacity shall not earn leave as a part-time instructor.

Chargeable paid leave shall be made in one quarter (1/4) hour increments. All employee absences shall be recorded and, where appropriate, debited on a one-to-one basis from accrued leave.

10.1 Court Leave

Leave with full pay may be granted an employee for court legal process including jury duty, response to subpoena or other legal process that requires an absence from duty for other than personal matters. Leave with pay will not be granted to an employee pursuing a claim or called to testify against CNM.


To avoid double payment employees who are required and who report for jury duty shall make arrangements with the College to sign over to the College any check(s) or monies received for the performance of such jury duty during the hours the employee was also scheduled to work at CNM and for which CNM paid the employee Court Leave. Compensation received for mileage and expenses may be retained by the employee.


In order to be eligible to receive payment under this article, an employee must notify their supervisor on his/her first workday after receipt of a notice to report for jury duty and must furnish satisfactory evidence that jury duty was performed and the amount of compensation received for such service on the days for which payment is claimed.


If an employee is notified to do so by his/her supervisor when he/she is excused from jury service either temporarily or permanently, on any scheduled workday, the employee shall promptly report to complete any remaining hours of his/her scheduled workday.

10.5 Sick Leave

Sick Leave – Sick leave with pay may be used by an instructor for personal illness and/or illness in the immediate family, as defined by the Employee Handbook, subject to the limits set forth herein, and for injury or quarantines. Sick leave is only earned through teaching courses as a part-time instructor and can only be used for absences from teaching courses and holding office hours.

A part-time instructor shall accrue sick leave per pay period/per course. A maximum of 77 hours will accrue per year. Sick leave may be carried over and accrued to a maximum of 1362 hours.

Part-time instructors will earn sick leave up to the maximum allowed annually at the rate of .057 per contact and office hour. For example,

ENG xxxx = 3 contact hours + 1 office hour x 15 wks = 60 total hours x .057 = 3.42 sick leave hours per term

MATH xxxx = 4 contact hours + 1 office hour x 15 wks = 75 total hours x .057 = 4.28 sick leave hours per term


A maximum of three (3) consecutive calendar days of sick leave in succession may be used by an employee for illness of an employee’s immediate family member. For illness extending beyond three (3) days in succession, see 10.8 of this Article.


If the absence is due to a work-related injury or illness, the CNM President may advance additional sick leave to the employee in an amount equal to the amount the employee would have accrued during the balance of the term only if there is a catastrophe to the employee or immediate family member. Requests for this benefit shall be submitted in writing to the CNM President.


An employee who is absent because of personal or family illness may be required by the employee’s supervisor to submit a physician’s statement attesting to the illness.


Appointments for treatment by a physician, dentist, or counselor including maternity and mental health issues, are legitimate reasons for the use of sick leave. Prior arrangements for the appointments shall be made by the employee with the employee’s supervisor and adequate documentation may be required.


Abuse of sick leave is sufficient reason for termination of employment or other disciplinary action.

10.11 Bereavement Leave

A maximum of three (3) consecutive calendar days leave with pay shall be granted an employee in the event of a death in the employee’s immediate family as defined in the Employee Handbook. If additional leave is required, the employee may use available personal leave as appropriate. Bereavement leave is not cumulative and shall not be deducted from accumulated personal leave. The supervisor may require verifiable proof that the decedent is an immediate family member.

10.12 Personal Leave

Each employee shall accrue personal leave with pay for each course taught. Personal leave is only earned through teaching courses as a part-time instructor and can only be used for absences from teaching courses.


Personal leave shall be accrued at a rate of .022 per contact and office hour. For example,

ENG xxxx = 3 contact hours + 1 office hour x 15. wks = 60 total hours x .022 = 1.32 personal leave hours per term

MATH xxxx = 4 contact hours + 1 office hour x 15 wks = 75 total hours x .022 = 1.65 personal leave hours per term


Except in the case of an emergency, personal leave requires advance approval by the dean or dean’s designee.


Not more than twenty-six (26) hours of personal leave granted but not taken during an academic year may be carried forward to the following academic year. 


Use of personal leave is discouraged during staff development days and is prohibited during the first five (5) or last five (5) instructional days of a term unless an exception is approved by the dean or the dean’s designee. Requests to use personal leave during the term will not be unreasonably denied by the Dean or the Dean’s designee, provided the instructor can demonstrate adequate continuity of instruction, as determined by the Dean or the Dean’s designee.


Personal leave that is accrued but not taken, is not paid out when the employee separates from the College.