Article 12: Insurance

Collective Bargaining Agreement for Part-Time Faculty


Insurance shall be offered to all part-time faculty in accordance with the CNM Employee Handbook except that eligibility shall be determined as follows:


Part-time faculty  earn a one-year stability period of health insurance eligibility (January 1 through December 31) when over a one-year look-back period determined by the College, a part-time faculty member has taught an average of ten (10) credit hours per term during the look- back period or as otherwise required by law.


New part-time instructors will be evaluated for insurance eligibility during the annual look back period.


Part-time faculty who are eligible for insurance shall only be able to enroll in insurance benefits during an open enrollment period determined by the College or due to a qualifying event.


CNM will pay the employer share of the insurance premium for a part-time faculty member who has earned a stability period and wishes to maintain insurance benefits during a term in which the  faculty member has no assignment. The faculty member must pay the employee share of the monthly insurance premiums during this time. Failure to pay the employee share of the health insurance premium on time may result in a loss of coverage.


Fall 2017 shall be the final term in which part-time faculty are eligible for insurance on a per term basis. Part-time faculty members who enrolled in insurance benefits for the Fall 2017 term only, shall be covered through December 31, 2017.


Employees who choose to participate in these insurance programs will have their premium payments deducted through payroll deductions for all coverage. Employees who do not receive a paycheck for any reason or receive checks that do not cover all benefit premiums, will be  responsible for making the required premium payments in order to retain insurance coverage. Employees will be given the opportunity to pay the missed premium before coverage is cancelled. At a minimum, notice of the requirement to pay missed premiums will be sent via CNM email.


CNMEU will be given the opportunity to provide input to CNM’s Director of Benefits, on the health, dental and vision plan designs prior to their adoption, through the Union’s attendance at the Benefit Information Team Meetings.