Article 13: Compensation

Collective Bargaining Agreement for Part-Time Faculty


Effective with the beginning of Spring Semester 2025, the credit hour rates for course pay contained in Appendix A will increase by 3%.

Effective with Fall Semester 2018, course pay will be calculated based on credit hour, degree status, and tier for lecture hour courses, and by credit hour and tier for non-lecture courses. The value per credit hour in each category is documented in the appendix. Office hours will still be required, if applicable.

Pay increases and decreases during the course of this agreement shall be decided by the Governing Board following collective bargaining negotiations except as provided under Article 35.2 of this Agreement. During the intervening years of a multi-year contract, either party may reopen negotiations in accordance with the wage reopener provisions contained in Article 35.

The parties recognize that part-time instructors who qualified previously are paid at different steps based upon negotiations in the past which recognized long-term employees who worked at the college for several years without any increase in wage rates. There are two steps which are identified as Step A and Step B. Step A pertains to part-time faculty who completed six but less than eleven terms teaching at CNM since the beginning of the summer term of 1993 and end of the fall term of 2002. Step B pertains to part-time faculty who completed eleven or more terms teaching at CNM since the beginning of the summer term of 1993 and the end of the fall term of 2002. The existence of these steps does not imply future movement in steps for part-time instructors. Terms taught as a full-time faculty member are not qualifying when assessing a part-time instructor’s eligibility for the steps. With the conversion to the credit hour methodology for the calculation of course pay, part-time faculty in steps A and B will be combined into a single category designated as Tier 2. All other part-time faculty will be combined into a single category designated as Tier 1. The establishment of tiers is for pay purposes only.


Effective with the Spring Semester of 2024, instructional projects that do not involve classroom time shall be paid at $36.00 per hour. Every effort will be made to ensure that the type of projects, which are approved for compensation, are applied uniformly throughout the Division of Academic Affairs. The number of hours will be determined by the Dean with the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Projects not approved by the Vice President for Academic Affairs in advance of their start date will not be compensated. Effective with the Spring Semester of 2024, if instructors are required to attend departmental meetings or an orientation, they shall be paid at $36.00 per hour for a maximum of four (4) hours per term for those meetings. With the approval of the Dean, faculty members may be paid a maximum of twelve (12) additional hours a term for additional instructional related work that does not include classroom time that may include Convocation, Faculty Focus Day, CTL Training, participation in the Framework for Quality Education Badge Programs, and for completion of the collaborative self-review for an approved consensus or template course. Other required or optional departmental activities are part of the regular workload. Every effort will be made by the College to list various forms of extra compensation to part-time faculty as line items on pay stubs within Workday.


Combined courses (multiple classes meeting at the same time with the same instructor in the same room) shall be considered one course. Courses where the faculty member chooses to provide assistance to a student(s) with individual needs, by electing to access a different modality, shall also be considered one course, as providing assistance to students is an inherent part of an instructor’s duties. Likewise, an instructor who chooses not to provide such assistance shall not be deprived of any professional opportunity. Providing assistance to students registered with the Accessibility Services Department who are entitled to an ADA accommodation, is not optional. Team teaching shall be prorated per instructor based upon the total value of the course taught. No increases shall be given for courses that have been completed prior to the effective date of the pay increase.


Instructors will receive the established rate of pay per each course taught and will perform other required duties on campus as determined by their Dean. This shall include all meetings, preparation and other professional duties as determined by the Dean.


Instructors who are absent without approved leave shall be given leave without pay for the period of the absence.


Instructors will be paid in accordance with their education for lecture hours only. An instructor who attains higher degree status from an accredited institution will be paid at the higher rate only after verification of educational attainment to the satisfaction of CNM. Such verification should be submitted as soon as possible. The higher rate of pay will become effective at the beginning of the term immediately after such verification is received.


The parties agree to a pay rate for each course as listed in the Appendix. CNM shall determine the values of new or revised courses.


Insurance rates for eligible employees will be increased in the same manner as non-represented employees.


Time spent in a properly authorized substitute assignment shall be paid at the rate contained in CNM’s Employee Compensation Plan regardless of degree status. After a part-time instructor has worked as a substitute in a particular class for 2 continuous weeks without interruption, the remainder of any such assignment shall be paid on a pro rata basis at the part-time instructor rate of pay as listed in the Appendix. If it is known when the substitute assignment is first authorized, that the assignment will be for at least 2 continuous weeks, the rate of pay as listed in the Appendix will be authorized to coincide with the first day of the assignment. 


Substitute pay is authorized by the Governing Board through the Employee Compensation Plan.


Effective with the Spring Semester of 2024, the hourly rate for substitute pay is $36.00 an hour, as authorized by the Governing Board.


Substitute assignments, by themselves, are not considered the equivalent of a contract renewal, unless the faculty member becomes the instructor of record.


The parties agree that it is desirable to provide instructors as much notice as possible when cancelling a class assignment for the entire term. When no advance notice is provided and the result is that the part-time faculty member reports to campus to teach the class he/she shall receive two (2) hours of pay at the prevailing rate paid to substitutes.


An employee who is assigned to teach at two (2) or more sites on a given day, is eligible to receive mileage reimbursement in accordance with CNM policy, provided the elapsed time between the end of the teaching assignment at the first site, and the start of the teaching assignment at the second site, is not of sufficient duration (more than two hours) to allow the faculty member to engage in non-work related activity.