Article 19: Task Teams/Committees
Part-Time Faculty CBA
Article 18: Part-Time Faculty Responsibilities and Student Success
The parties agree that part-time instructor participation in task teams and committees enhance the mission and operation of CNM. Consequently, part-time faculty, as determined by the dean or the dean’s designee, may participate in Academic School committee meetings that address changes in curriculum and changes in job description requirements.
The President of CNM or the President’s designee shall determine what task teams or committees will be established and the responsibilities of those task teams or committees.
When the College and the Union agree that it is appropriate for the Union, as exclusive representative, to be represented on a College task team or committee, the Union shall be represented. Such Union representation shall commence after the College and Union mutually agree upon the number of Union representative(s).
Union representatives who are members of task teams or committees that are the result of agreements entered into pursuant to sub article 19.3 of this Article shall be appointed by the CNMEU Executive Council.
The College and the Union agree that faculty committees and task teams may continue to operate according to policy.