
General information on the Graduation Ceremony, including application, participation, and the graduate job placement survey.

Graduation Ceremony Overview

CNM hosts one formal commencement ceremony each year after the Spring Term. We encourage all eligible students to participate. The Spring 2025 ceremony will take place on Saturday, May 3, at Tingley Coliseum, beginning at 12 p.m. Graduates should arrive by 10 a.m. (along with their guests) to allow time for seating and check-in.

Grad Fest 2025

Keep an eye on your CNM email (accessible through myCNM) for upcoming details on Grad Fest 2025. During Grad Fest (on April 25), you can pick up your complimentary parking pass (for graduates) and learn more about the ceremony.

How to Participate

  • RSVP Through Marching Orders: If you’re eligible to graduate, look for an email from [email protected] with instructions on completing your RSVP.
  • No Guest Tickets Required: Seating is first come, first served. There are no physical tickets for guests.
  • Cap & Gown Required: You must wear regalia to walk in the ceremony. Purchase your cap and gown by April 4 through Jostens or at the CNM Bookstore (sizes subject to availability).


  • Graduates: Receive one free parking pass, available at Grad Fest or from the KW Welcome Desk afterward if you cannot attend.
  • Guests: Pay $10 per vehicle (cash or card) at Gates 3 & 4 of Expo New Mexico. Handicap parking is available; attendants will direct you.

Receiving Your Degree

You will not receive your physical degree at the ceremony. The Graduation & Evaluation Department will email you with instructions on how to receive it by mail or pick-up. For questions, contact [email protected].

Personal Belongings & Venue Policies

  • Clear Bag Policy: Tingley Coliseum enforces a clear bag policy.
  • No Secure Storage: The Creative Arts Building and Tingley Coliseum do not offer secured storage for personal items. Arrange for family or friends to hold your belongings, or leave them in your vehicle at your own risk.
  • Prohibited Items: Balloons, glass vases, and noisemakers are not allowed in Tingley Coliseum; they will be confiscated per Expo New Mexico policy.

Additional Reminders

  • Check your CNM email regularly for updates regarding the ceremony and Grad Fest.
  • Graduation items (announcements, regalia, etc.) are also available for purchase at the CNM Main Campus Bookstore.

We look forward to celebrating your achievements at CNM’s Spring 2025 Graduation!

Step 1: Apply for Graduation

If you have done the work to complete your degree, you may apply to graduate during the term in which you are enrolled in your final courses. The graduation application opens on the second day of each term and closes on the last day of each term.

You will graduate in the term for which you have a graduation application on file and in which all graduation requirements are completed, even if there is no Graduation Ceremony scheduled that semester.

Once degrees and certificates have been awarded for a given term, any additional requests will be processed at the end of the next term.

Program Evaluation and How to Apply

Check to see how close you are to graduation and what you still need to complete.

  1. Sign into your myCNM account.
  2. Click on the "Graduation" tab.
  3. Click the "CNM Degree Works" link located near the top center of the screen in the Graduation Quick Links portal. 
  4. Review your online evaluation to insure all certificate/degree requirements are met.
  5. Update your address and phone number via the "Students" tab in case we need to contact you.
  6. Click the “Apply to Graduate” link under Graduation Process on the “Graduation” tab.
  7. Upon successful completion of the application, print the confirmation page for your records.

Apply to Graduate From a Program Other Than Your Declared Major

In order to apply to graduate from a program other than your declared major you will need to run a successful “What-If” evaluation first.

  1. Click on the “What-If” button on left of the Program Evaluation for your declared major (main audit).
  2. In the Select your primary area of study: Enter the catalog year, degree, and, if applicable, concentration(s) for the program you want to apply to graduate from. For more than one concentration, go to the Select your additional areas of study and Enter the degree and next concentration and click on Add. You may have up to three concentrations per degree.
  3. Click on “Process What-If”.  Note: Make sure the “Include Pre-registered Classes” box at the top of the audit is NOT checked when running your evaluation for a graduation application. Including Pre-registered courses may give you an inaccurate evaluation by counting them as In-Progress , and your application will be invalid. The “In-Progess” box, above the “Include Pre-Registered” box, should always be checked when running an evaluation for a graduation application.
  4. If the "What-If" evaluation shows the program is 98% or 100% completed you can apply. Click on “Program Evaluation” to return to the main audit and gain access to the Graduation Application link.

Step 2: Participate in the Graduation Ceremony

Once the graduation application has been accepted, an email invitation to attend the graduation ceremony will be sent to your CNM email account. Please click on the link within the email to sign up and register for the graduation ceremony.

Please note, all High School Education (HSE) graduates are invited to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.

If you have questions regarding the ceremony please email .

Step 3: Graduate Job Placement Survey

Inform CNM of your career goals and needs for the next year by answering this 5-10 minute survey.

If You Choose Not to Participate in the Graduation Ceremony

Participation is not required to receive your diploma or certificate. Approximately 2-3 weeks post-award completion, you will receive an email from CNM Records on diploma request options. You may contact them directly with questions at grad&[email protected]