ECOS Members & Tasks

Responsibilities and tasks for the members of the Executive Council of Students (ECOS).

Roles and Responsibilities of Members

All Members will have general responsibilities, including but not limited to:

  • Actively participating in all ECOS activities and meetings
  • Attending at least 70% of all Executive Council of Students meetings and activities, and any other assigned committee meetings (Faculty Senate, CNM Governing Board, etc.)
  • Serving as a liaison to all students and CNM community
  • Support communication between the Executive Council of Students and other groups and organizations
  • Any member may choose to take on a role to visit and represent students at one of CNM’s satellite campuses by submitting a report to the ECOS members with findings
  • Actively engage student body for new ECOS members

Position Responsibilities


President: Federica Martinelli

  • Facilitates regular ECOS Meetings as well as Officer Meetings

  • Spokesperson for the Executive Council of Students

  • Plans agenda for each meeting

  • Meets prior to each scheduled Executive Council of Students meeting with advisor

Vice President

Vice President: Aidan Parrillo

  • Facilitates ECOS meetings if president is not available

  • Succeeds ECOS president if needed until formal meetings can be held

  • Supports communication within the Executive Council of Students

Budget Officer

Budget Officer: Richard Bates

  • Maintains accounts and financial records for money appropriated for use by the Executive Council of Students

  • Familiarize themselves with purchasing process and procedures. Helps to ensure appropriate processes are followed when purchases are made

  • Prepares a financial statement or report at the end of the Spring semester which details spending over the previous year, as well as outcomes of the spending

  • Will maintain regular communication with Student Activities Office, to ensure ECOS expenditures and reports are current. These reports contain student allocation board accounts, revenues, and expenses (see Article IX), including student club spending and supplemental allotments

Administrative Officer

Administrative Officer: Jamie Gavina

  • Records and distributes “minutes” for each meeting

  • Maintains a record of activities and events held during the year

  • Collects samples of documents, correspondence, etc. for the year

  • Records attendance at all meetings and functions, and catalogs an After Event Report (AER) from each event supported and/or hosted by ECOS

  • Submits a final attendance report to the Dean of Students and/or an advisor as outlined in Article III which verifies that Executive Council of Students members have met attendance requirements for active membership

Federica Martinelli



Aidan Parrillo

Generic member photo

Vice President

Richard Bates


Budget Officer

Jamie Gavina

Jamie Gavina

Administrative Officer

Gabriella Barillas Castro

Generic member photo


Stephen Landis



Aidan Parrillo

Generic member photo


Matthew Pettit

