Ask a CNM Recruiter

CNM Recruiters are here to help you navigate the process of becoming a CNM Suncat! We can help you learn about CNM, submit admissions applications, and much more.

Meet the Recruitment Team

Reach out to a CNM Recruitment manager or specialist through email or phone, or schedule an appointment at a time that works for you. We also have CNM Dual Credit Recruitment team members who can provide information about CNM's Dual Credit program

Joseph Goodin
Joseph Goodin

Recruitment Manager
[email protected]
(505) 224-4722

Meet with Joseph

KyAnna Walton
KyAnna Walton

Recruitment Manager
[email protected]
(505) 224-3114

Meet with KyAnna

Justin Moore
Justin Moore

Dual Credit Manager
[email protected]
(505) 224-4236

Meet with Justin

Jeron Adams
Jeron Adams

Recruitment Manager
[email protected]
(505) 224-4715

Meet with Jeron

AJ Saiz-Ortiz
AJ Saiz-Ortiz

Recruitment Specialist

[email protected]


Meet with AJ

Claudia Lente
Claudia Lente

Recruitment Specialist
¡Hablo español!
[email protected]
(505) 224-3162

Meet with Claudia

Jorge Montes Rodriguez
Jorge Montes Rodriguez

Recruitment Specialist 
¡Hablo español!
[email protected]
(505) 224-3977

Meet with Jorge

Angela Lechuga
Angela Lechuga

Dual Credit Specialist 
¡Hablo español!
[email protected]
(505) 224-4238

Meet with Angela

Student Ambassadors 

The Recruitment Office also has a team of Student Ambassadors to answer questions only a fellow student will understand. These students have been in your shoes and they know what it’s like to be a CNM Suncat.

Ask a Student Ambassador