System-Impacted Individuals

Prospective and current CNM students who have been impacted by foster care or criminal justice systems can receive the support needed to reach their educational goals.

Contact Us

If you have questions about FIRST or FOSTER, please call (505) 224-3352 or send us an email.

Email FIRST Team

Email FOSTER Team

About System-Impacted Individuals

System-impacted individuals are those who have been clients of the criminal justice or foster care systems. Experience with these systems can present unique challenges in life, including the pursuit of an education. In response to these challenges, CNM has created two success teams to support these students on their educational journeys: the FIRST team and the FOSTER team. 

FIRST and FOSTER are interdivisional, interdisciplinary, resource-centered programs run by experienced staff who can help system-impacted individuals choose majors and courses, understand CNM procedures, access financial aid resources, and more. Our focus is on helping these students successfully navigate through post-secondary education. 

CNM is Right For You

If you or someone you know has experience in the criminal justice or foster care system and wants to finish a high school or college education, CNM can help can put you on the path to receiving a diploma, certificate, or license. 

We understand the fears, misinformation, and many obstacles that you face when thinking about finishing your education. We have resources, connections with community partners, and information that can help you achieve your educational goals.

Regardless of the challenges you have faced in your past, you belong here and deserve a quality education at an affordable cost. With over 200 associate degrees, certificates, and training programs - including the High School Equivalency (HSE) program - your options are endless.



FOSTER stands for Facilitating Opportunities for Success and Transformation to Empower Resiliency. FOSTER is a resource-centered program for prospective and current CNM students who are presently or were previously involved with the foster care system. We focus on: 

  • Providing a supportive environment that encourages students to reach their educational goals, 
  • Offering information about educational options available at CNM,
  • Helping you discover and apply for financial aid and scholarship opportunities, 
  • Exploring job and career opportunities, 
  • Developing your skills for successful employment and community involvement. 

Worried about paying for school? Explore scholarship opportunities available to CNM students with foster care history today. 


About FIRST at CNM

FIRST stands for Formerly Incarcerated Reintegration Students' Success Team. The FIRST team understands that navigating the conditions of probation and parole can be challenging. FIRST mentors are available to help you:

  • Find ways to afford a college education with Federal Student Aid or scholarships.
  • Build healthy, supportive relationships with peers and instructors.
  • Balance school, work, family, and the conditions of your release.
  • Communicate with your instructor about court-mandated requirements that may impact your learning.
  • Communicate with your probation or parole supervisor about the scheduling needs you may have.
  • Utilize CNM resources, such as help clearing misdemeanor warrants via the NM Outreach Court.
Get Started with FIRST or FOSTER
A degree or certificate is within reach, and at CNM, we're here to make sure that happens. If you or someone you know is ready to get started with the FIRST or FOSTER program, get started by filling out our interest form. A team member will reach out to you promptly.
Interest Form

Success for System-Impacted Individuals 

We are proud of all System-Impacted Individuals who have persisted and excelled at CNM. These are a few of their stories.