Student Ombudsman

The CNM Student Ombudsman is your go-to resource for addressing and resolving concerns at CNM. Learn about the Student Ombudsman and report any concerns you may have.

The CNM Student Ombudsman will not take any action without your consent, change grades, alter college policies, provide legal advice, act as a witness in formal grievances, or violate any college policy to resolve a problem.

Mission Statement

The CNM Student Ombudsman provides information, advice, referrals, and intervention to students at CNM. The Ombudsman is a student-focused resource who supports students in addressing and resolving concerns or issues that arise at the College.

About the Student Ombudsman

You might find yourself facing various challenges or concerns during your time at the College. That's where the CNM Student Ombudsman comes in.

The Ombudsman is here to listen to your concerns and serve as a dedicated resource for you. If you need a safe place to discuss any issues, the Ombudsman is available to provide that space. The Ombudsman assists you in navigating the complex college system, ensuring that you find your way through any bureaucratic or procedural obstacle.

If necessary, the Ombudsman can refer you to other individuals or offices that can better address your specific needs. Should you desire, the Ombudsman can also review your concerns, gather information on your behalf, and analyze your situation to help identify and evaluate possible options.

Common issues and concerns you might bring to the CNM Ombudsman include confusion related to policies and procedures, difficulty navigating college systems and protocols, perceived ethical dilemmas, perceived unfair treatment, and miscommunication between instructors, staff, advisors, supervisors, or fellow students.

Whatever your concern, the CNM Student Ombudsman is here to support you and help you find a resolution.

Report Your Concerns to the Student Ombudsman