CNM Launches Newly Renovated Public Safety Building

The recently remodeled Public Safety building on Main Campus has several new features to make it more welcoming and accessible to the CNM community
July 11, 2024

The CNM Security Department is back in the Public Safety (PS) building on Main Campus after remodeling the space to be more functional for security officers and dispatchers, and more welcoming for CNM students, faculty, and staff. We caught up with John Corvino, CNM’s Chief of Security, and he filled us in on all the building’s new features. 

Q: What were your priorities for the remodel? 

A: Our biggest goal when we started the remodeling process was making the building and area around the building more friendly to students, faculty, and staff. We’ve added several things on the outside of the building, like the new ‘CNM Security’ sign and the awning to help everyone know we’re here. We’re also going to add outdoor furniture in the space in front of the building because we want the campus community to have a convenient outdoor space where they can relax. 

Q: What changes were made to the building? 

A: There are so many new things about this space. Along with the outdoor space, there is a new lobby space where people can stop in and ask questions and fill up their water bottles. We added what we call a “soft interview” room where students who may be in crisis can have a safe and comfortable environment to wait in. There are also several new spaces for our employees, including a training room, an emergency operations center, and a bigger and more functional dispatch room. 

Q: You’re hosting a grand reopening for the PS Building on July 17; what can attendees expect? 

A: The grand reopening is a great opportunity for the CNM community to see the building and meet our amazing team of Security Officers. We’ve also invited our community partners, like the Albuquerque Police Department and the UNM Police Department, to attend. And of course, there will be snacks and drinks, so we hope you’ll join us! 

Q: Now that your new building is complete, what’s next for you and your team? 

A: We’re always changing things and thinking outside the box to better serve our community. We have a portable, solar-powered dispatch center that we can use, I’m teaching my officers how to better use AI to help them do their jobs more efficiently, and we’re always trying to embrace technology. We also have our ongoing “Hello Project” which tracks the number of times our officers say hello to folks on campus. We’re at about 800,000 hellos and our goal is a million, so we will certainly celebrate when we reach that goal probably in the next year or so. 

Q: If you could give one piece of security advice, what would it be? 

A: The biggest thing I tell everyone is to be aware of your surroundings. And it’s impossible for me to only give one piece of advice, so the other thing I want people to know is that we are here 24/7 to help you feel safe and secure on every CNM campus! 

The Public Safety Renovation Celebration is from 8:30-10 a.m. on July 17 on Main Campus in the Public Safety Building. If you plan on attending, please RSVP 

Learn more about CNM Security and emergency procedures. Also, please remember or include in your phone the phone numbers for CNM Security so you have them when you need them – emergency line is 505-224-3001, non-emergency line is 505-224-3002.