How a CNM Education Helped This Grad Learn a New Language and Find Her Future Career Path

Violeta Gutierrez Nicola and her mom immigrated to the United States when she was 15 and she struggled to learn English. Now, she’s a confident English-speaker and is graduating with her associate degree in business thanks to the support she found at CNM
April 30, 2024

Violeta Gutierrez Nicola and her mom had only been in the United States for about three years when she graduated from high school. She needed to figure out her next step, so she decided to give CNM a try – and she couldn’t be happier with how all the pieces fell into place.

“I was scared of going to a big university right out of high school, especially since I was still struggling to learn English,” she says. “From the very beginning everyone at CNM was very understanding and I felt supported in a way that helped me get out of my comfort zone.”

Once she enrolled in the Business program, Violetta quickly found community through CNM’s support services, especially the tutoring services offered through The Learning and Computer Center (TLCc). 

She is also grateful for the encouragement she received from her peers and instructors during her time at CNM. 

“When I started at CNM I felt more capable of learning and trying things than ever before,” she explains. “My English has improved so much that I even felt confident enough to take a French class, and that’s only because of the support I received from my friends and instructors.”

Along with her course work, Violeta is also the social media intern for CNM’s Marketing and Communications Office. As an intern she helps create content for CNM’s social channels, especially TikTok

Violeta plans to earn her bachelor's degree in Marketing at New Mexico State University, so this internship was the perfect opportunity for her to gain some hands-on experience.  

“I had a job at a nursing home, but I really wanted to do something related to marketing, so when I found this internship I applied as quickly as possible,” she says. “It has been a great experience and I have definitely learned skills that will help me in the future.”

As she gets ready to graduate, Violeta is excited to start her marketing coursework and hopes to find another marketing internship or job opportunity. She also wants to encourage other students, whether they are native English speakers or not, to keep learning and practicing when it comes to language. 

“Communication is really one of the most important skills you can have, and the best way to get better at it is to practice,” she says. “My advice is to push yourself out of your comfort zone and to talk to anyone and everyone, and your communication and understanding of others will only improve.”