Beverage Production & Management


The Beverage Production and Management program teaches hospitality law, guest services, food pairing, menu management, brewing equipment and maintenance, beer production, and more. Earn an Associate of Applied Science or certificate and pursue work as a Beverage Manager, Brewer, and more.

Degrees and Certificates

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Top Brewing Certification Jobs

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information 

Are you interested in a career that allows you to exercise creativity and management skills? CNM's Beverage Production and Management is for you! Our certificate and degree programs prepare you for a promising career in the brewing, distilling, or beverage management field. 

Learn about the underlying science of beverage production and management in lab-style classes located both on-campus and in commercial-scale breweries and distilleries. Our experienced instructors emphasize the rich history of beverage production in the state of New Mexico while encouraging you to exercise your creativity and innovation. 

We offer a variety of degrees and certificates to help you enter this dynamic and promising industry. For more information, contact the School of Business, Hospitality & Technology Advisor at (505) 224-3811.

Brewing, Distilling, and Winemaking at CNM

The CNM Beverage Production and Management program is split into four disciplines: beer production, wine production, distilled spirits production, and beverage management. Learn more about each by watching our program overview video below. 

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