About CPE
Coordinated Program Entry (CPE) Mission Overview
The term “coordinated entry” (formerly “limited entry”) refers to programs in HWPS that have special entry requirements or admissions processes. The term encompasses programs that require proof of knowledge or eligibility prior to entry to include criteria above and beyond prerequisite courses. Seating can be limited in health-related programs.
At the core of the CPE process, it has been and will continue to be our focus to maintain balance between CNM’s open-access, student-centered mission, and the institution’s responsibility to provide well-qualified graduates for the local workforce. It is our goal to provide educational opportunity for all qualified applicants in pursuit of their educational and career aspirations.
Need More Information?
The Coordinated Program Entry Office offers resources to help you decide whether you are ready to be screened and make sure you have all the information you need to complete a Pre-Registration Screening Form.
- Attend a HWPS information session.
- Visit CPE's program pages for deadlines, Pre-Registration Screening Form information, and screening deadlines.
- Visit the School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety for specific program information.
- Academic advisors, staff in the Coordinated Program Entry Office, Program faculty and staff are available to answer questions about Coordinated Entry Programs.
- Send an email to [email protected] or fill out our contact form with questions.
Changes to Entry Process
The School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety reserves the right to make reasonable changes to the program as necessary.
Feedback regarding our Program Entry requirements and processes should be directed to the Contact CPE Form. Each Program will review current entry requirements and any feedback trends annually during the Fall term.
Any revisions to Coordinated Entry program requirements are communicated as early as possible in the following ways:
- The program specific CPE web page will be revised to reflect changes to entry requirements.
- CNM email notification will be sent to all students with (program specific) declared major, program faculty, and Academic Advisors and Achievement Coaches.