CPE Appeal Process

Students are screened for CPE based on published criteria. The CPE process follows the CNM Governing Board's statement that CNM will not illegally discriminate in any of its policies or procedures, including admissions. (Governing Board Handbook, section 3.01).

Reasons a Student May Appeal

  • If an error was made that negatively affected the pre-registration screening form, such as failure to record documentation or an error in the calculation of grade point average (GPA).
  • If published pre-registration screening procedures, as stated on the website, were not followed in screening.
  • If you were not given equal consideration, as described in the Governing Board statement.
  • Extenuating circumstances impacted the student’s ability to comply with the pre-screening process.

How to Appeal

  1. Students must submit a detailed, written letter explaining the circumstances of the appeal.
  2. The letter must be addressed to the Office of Coordinated Program Entry and must include any supporting documentation (if applicable).
  3. Students may submit letters to the Office of Coordinated Program Entry by e-mail (), fax, mail, or in person.


8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

(505) 224-4120

Office of Coordinated Program Entry
School of Health, Wellness & Public Safety
Central New Mexico Community College
Attention: Coordinated Entry Appeal
402 Jeannette Stromberg Building
525 Buena Vista Dr. SE
Albuquerque, NM 87106


  • For students who submitted pre-screening forms within published deadlines, appeals must be received (not postmarked) within 3 business days of notification of non-eligibility by the Coordinated Program Entry Office. Non-eligibility letters are sent by CNM email. Students who do not appeal during this time frame forfeit their right to an appeal.
  • For students who did not submit pre-screening forms within published deadlines, appeals will only be considered if space is available.

Administrative Review Committee (ARC)

Appeal letter will be considered by an Administrative Review Committee (ARC). The ARC is composed of:

  • HWPS Dean
  • HWPS Associate Dean OR Academic Affairs Director
  • Program Specific Director
  • Program Entry and Compliance Manager

The ARC will meet and render a decision within five (5) working days of receipt of the request for appeal.

Students will be notified of the decision by CNM email. All decisions are final.