About Nursing & Patient Support

Information on Nursing & Patient Support, including school requirements, policies, advisory committees, and academic achievement.

NPS Mission 

Contact NPS

Jeannette Stromberg Hall
Fourth Floor 
CNM Main Campus

(505) 224-4144

NPS Contact Form

Our mission is to empower individuals with the knowledge, skills and compassion needed to provide exceptional healthcare services. We are committed to fostering excellence in our students, ensuring the highest standards of patient care. Through a dedicated and innovative approach, we prepare our students to meet the ever-evolving needs of the healthcare industry while instilling the values of empathy, integrity, and professionalism.

We offer both entry and advanced training for individuals interested in providing hands-on patient care in a variety of healthcare settings. Certificates and associate degrees are awarded upon completion of program requirements.

Classes are primarily at the Main and Rio Rancho campuses as well as at community sites. Students may experience supervised clinical and practicum training at community agencies and organizations.

School Requirements

CNM Ingenuity Healthcare Programs

CNM Ingenuity provides current continuing education for healthcare industry professionals through Workforce Training. Learn more at CNM Ingenuity Healthcare Programs.


Most programs have prerequisites that must be met prior to enrolling. Programs require that students be in good physical condition and free of health conditions that could endanger themselves or others. Because latex products are still in use, individuals who have an allergy may find it difficult to successfully complete a program. Students may be required to have a physical exam and immunizations at their own expense. Credit by examination (challenge) is available for selected courses. See the CNM Catalog for specific information.

Clinical Requirements

Visit the Office of Verification & Compliance for specifics on clinical requirements.

Caregivers Criminal History Screening

  • Who: New Mexico Department of Health performs background checks on all students going into a clinical site (If under the age of 18, parent or legal guardian must sign form with student). For more information regarding the Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program.
  • When: Must be completed prior to starting the program or prior to the beginning of the clinical course and annually thereafter (if your program exceeds one year in duration)
  • Where: Electronic Fingerprinting done in class or at various locations. The Office of Verification and Compliance must register students with the New Mexico Department of Health prior to fingerprinting.
  • Why: The Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program (CCHSP) was established by statute in 1998 (Section 29-17-1-5 NMSA 1978). This law requires that caregivers employed in health care services must undergo a federal (FBI) criminal history screening

For all questions regarding potential disqualification from the Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program (CCHSP) due to felony history, contact the Caregivers Criminal History Screening Program information line directly: (505) 476-0801

Immunizations (not included in student fees)

  • Who: All students going into a clinical site
  • What:
    • Measles, Mumps and Rubella (MMR) series
    • Hepatitis B series (must show that you have at least started it)
    • Tuberculosis Test (PPD skin test, TB Gold or TSpot) 
    • Varicella (Chicken Pox) series
    • Tetanus, Diphtheria and Pertussis (Tdap) within the last 10 years
    • Flu Vaccine
    • COVID-19 (additional boosters may be required by clinical partners)
  • When: During the beginning of their program and/or clinical course
  • Where: Students primary physician, NMDOH Public Health Offices (Flu & Tdap), and Bernalillo County Immunization Locations and Services.
  • Why: In order to attend clinicals our community partners require all immunizations be up to date and current throughout program. This is a mandate based on the hospitals accreditation.
  • How: Students will pay for immunization services on their own.

Drug Screen (included in student fees)

  • Who: Performed by Quest Diagnostics and is required of all students going into a clinical site
  • What: SAP 10-15 + OPI, Meperidine
  • When: During the beginning of their clinical course or prior to first course, depending on the program.
  • Where: Students go to Quest Diagnostics authorized location
  • Why: In order to attend clinicals our community partners require this. This is a mandate based on the hospitals accreditation

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Certification

School Policies

Grading Policy

All career and technical courses required for graduation must be taken for a traditional grade of A, B, or C or as otherwise indicated by the program. For career and technical courses only offered for CR/NC, a grade of CR must be earned.

Graduation Policy

Pre- and corequisites are listed in the CNM Catalog under course descriptions and are subject to change with each new catalog. It is the student's responsibility to meet the pre- and corequisites in effect for the schedule in which a course is taken, regardless of the catalog under which the student entered or will graduate. Students may be stopped from enrolling or may be disenrolled if pre- or corequisites are not met.

Students who have successfully completed courses that no longer exist from previous catalog will be accommodated.

Advisory Committees

The Nursing & Patient Support programs prepare students to enter the local workforce with core and technical competencies that will enable them to be successful in the workplace. Each instructional program (degree and/or certificate) has an external advisory committee composed of industry representatives and other community advocates.

We welcome new advisory members who possess current knowledge of workforce skills and behaviors in the content area. Advisory members are expected to attend annual or special meetings at CNM, participate in and support program activities and provide current information about employment skills and opportunities. Advisory members also serve as program advocates in the community and at local and state associations. If you'd like to inquire about becoming a member of an Advisory Committee, please contact the Program Director

Academic Achievement

Nursing & Patient Support is committed to student learning, also referred to as "academic achievement."  The learning system includes a quality curriculum, effective teaching and learning strategies, and classroom, laboratory and community resources.