EMT Basic Compliance Requirements

The following are requirements that must be taken care of before the first day of class:

CPR Card

You must have a current CPR card. If you do not have one you need to register for Health 1001. You can also try ActionCPR.com or the Red Cross. The CPR card must be a Health Care Provider Card. You must have this card to be able to do the clinical portion of your program. Be sure if you sign up for Health 1001 it is during the first 2 weeks of class or before. 

Please note: Health 1001 is a required co-requisite for the EMT Basic coursework. You can either register for the course, or complete the credit-for-prior-learning (CPL) form to be awarded credit for your existing CPR credential. Locate the CPL form here.


You may get started on getting your immunizations showing dates the immunization was administered.

  • Tdap: You must have received this within the last 10 years.
  • Tb or PPD: Tb’s are an annual vaccination. You can either get a standard Tb test (2 step) or a Tb gold blood draw. If you have tested positive for Tb before and have a chest x‐ray you may turn that in, or if you have to get a chest x‐ray, please provide the documentation for that. One thing to keep in mind is that you should not get a Tb test on a Thursday because it takes 48‐72 before the test can be read. Most places that do the test are closed on Sunday.
  • MMR, Measles, Mumps, Rubella: This is a two shot series although you only need one to get started. If you are not sure if you have had Measles, Mumps, Rubella or do not have shot records get a titer drawn first. A titer is a fancy word for blood draw. Titers can take up to 10 days to get the results back.
  • Varicella (or Chicken Pox): This is a two shot series although you only need one to get started. If you are not sure if you have had Chicken Pox or do not have shot records get a titer drawn first. A titer is a fancy word for blood draw. Titers can take up to 10 days to get the results back. Please do not let your Health Care Professional document that you have had the disease as a child. Each immunization must have a month, day, and year.
  • Hep B: Hep B is a three-shot series although you only need one to get started. If you are not sure if you have had Hep B or do not have shot records get a titer drawn first. A titer is a fancy word for blood draw. Titers can take up to 10 days to get the results back.
  • Flu Shot: Please do not get the Flu shot until at least the first week of September, as you will be informed at your class visit of the CDC requirements.
  • Hep A: Not required but strongly recommended
  • Pneumonia: Not required but strongly recommended especially for students over the age of 50.

Class Visit Form

CNM Clinical Compliance will send you a form via CNM email for you to complete prior to the first day of class. This is for a NMDOH background check.

Drug Screen Form

This form will be given to students on the first day of the 1190 course.


You should be in uniform on the first day of class. You will obtain your uniform through the bookstore. 

EMS Basic: 2 Tops, 1 Pair of Pants

EMS Intermediate: 2 Tops, 1 Pair of Pants

EMS Paramedic: 3 Tops, 1 Pair of Pants

You should also receive an EMS student kit, which includes equipment you will use every day in the program. Please ensure you label all your equipment so you know what is yours.

Please review the following to see the requirements of the course:

Please note: A few policies will be updated by the start of the Fall term. Your lead instructor will update you on the policies on the first day of instruction. You will be bound to all these policies as a student in the school of Health, Wellness, and Public Safety.

Finally, it is recommended that you take the supplemental skills lab along with the current coursework. Many students find this course sets them up for success in this and future courses. This course is designed to provide an extra opportunity to practice skills, have questions answered by one of the EMS faculty, and collaborate with other EMS students.

The supplemental lab course is EMS BASIC SKILLS LAB–EMS 1092, should you choose to register for them.

This is a big commitment of time and energy, but so very worth it in the end! You will be able to seek out a career in many different areas with only a small amount of time in class.

If you have any questions please feel free to email BLS/ILS Coordinator Isaac Milligan or Program Director Kristofer Holder.