

The English program covers many ways to create, organize, present, and exchange information. Earn an Associate of Arts in English and pursue work as a Proofreader, Technical Writer, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

In the Information Age, English majors build skills used in many new careers. The explosion of the Internet as a key medium to create, organize, present, and exchange information has increased the need for English majors.

Our curriculum and instructors provide opportunities for you to study college writing, analytic writing, technical writing, expository writing, creative writing (fiction or poetry), or focus on American, British, or world literature.

CNM Honors Program

The CNM Honors Program offers a new course each term for all students who are passionate about learning. These courses are taught in a small-group seminar format and emphasize discussion, self-expression, and student participation. Visit the CNM Honors Program page to learn more. 

Activities for English Majors 

Are you interested in creative writing? Get involved with CNM's Literary Arts magazine, Leonardo, or join one of three writing groups offered on most campuses. Learn more by visiting our Activities for Student Poets and Writers page. 

Further Your Education

Once you graduate from CNM, you can transfer your English degree from CNM to a four-year university. Meet with an advisor to learn more about your transfer options.

Helpful Links

Meet a CNM English Program Student 

Angelo Arvizo posing for a photo in the CNM library on Main Campus

Angelo Arvizo wasn’t quite ready to take the leap and attend a four-year university. Instead, he enrolled in CNM's English program and now feels more prepared than ever to tackle a four-year degree because of the support he received from TRIO, TLCc, and his peers at Leonardo, CNM's Literary Arts magazine. Read more about Angelo's successful experience at CNM. 

E-reader and Smart phone with the word English

Download the English E-Book

The English 1110 and 1120 OER is an open educational resource that is free of charge to students and accessible from several types of digital devices. This textbook is a college reader for English 1110 and 1120, which is English Composition I and II, respectively. The English Composition OER helps students navigate college writing and reading with sections on the writing process, genres, analytic writing, argumentative writing, research, MLA style, APA style, and grammar and mechanics.

Visit CNM's myText website to download the e-book.