Environmental Planning and Design


The Environmental Planning and Design program studies design, planning, and sustainability. Earn an Associate of Arts in Environmental Planning and Design and pursue work as an Architect, Sustainability Specialist, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Top Environmental Planning and Design Jobs

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

The Environmental Planning and Design program will provide you with a pathway toward completing the Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Planning and Design, one of two bachelor’s degrees offered in UNM’s School of Architecture and Planning. The program includes the study of design, planning, and sustainability.

Environmental Planning in Albuquerque

CNM is one of the few community colleges to provide this program. Examples of Environmental Design and Planning in Albuquerque:

Further Studies

Once you graduate from CNM, you can transfer your Environmental Planning and Design degree from CNM to a four-year university and study: 

  • Environmental Ethics
  • Historic Preservation
  • Landscape Design
  • Urban Design
  • Environmental Law

Graduates with a bachelor’s degree often work in state or municipal jobs or private firms related to planning issues. 

Meet with an advisor to learn more about your transfer options.

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