Plumbing and Gas Fitting


The Plumbing and Gas Fitting program teaches installing, repairing, and maintaining common residential and commercial plumbing and piping systems. Earn an Associate of Applied Science or certificate and pursue work as a Septic Tank Servicer, Pipelayer, and more.

Degrees & Certificates

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Top Jobs in Plumbing and Gas Fitting

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

The Plumbing and Gas Fitting program will provide you with opportunities to develop marketable skills including installing, repairing, and maintaining common residential and commercial plumbing and piping systems. The core principles and concepts of plumbing systems are covered in each course. Train with industry professionals and develop your skills with hands-on learning experiences in our updated labs. 

In as little as one year, you can earn a Plumbing and Gas Fitting Certificate of Completion and enter the workforce. Learn more about gainful employment and completion rates for Plumbing and Gas Fitting program graduates.

Curriculum Highlights

  • Plumbing Safety
  • Blueprint Reading
  • Gas Fitting
  • Pipe Layout
  • Drain Waste and Vent Piping Systems
  • Backflow Prevention, Commercial Plumbing
  • System Maintenance and Repair
  • Hydronic Systems

Construction Begins on New Trades Facility 

Image of CNM personnel breaking ground on the construction site for the new Trades Facility, opening in Fall 2025.

The 61,000-square-foot facility will open in Fall 2025 and will house classroom and lab space for CNM’s Carpentry, Electrical, HVAC, Plumbing, Welding, and Industrial Automation Technology programs. CNM President Tracy Hartzler says, “On behalf of CNM, we look forward to educating and training thousands of future skilled trades workers right here on this site. These skilled trades workers will help power New Mexico’s economy for decades to come.” Read the full story today.