Teacher Education


The Teacher Education program teaches the theory and skills required for working with children K-12 in the public school system. Earn an Associate of Arts or certificate and pursue work as a Teacher for Preschool, Middle School, and more.

Degrees and Certificates

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Fast-Track Teacher Education Degree
Earn a Teacher Education AA (Elementary/Special Education) in 15 months through CNM's Fast-Track program.

Top Teaching Jobs

Note: Some jobs require education or training beyond the CNM degree/certificate.

Program Information

There are many reasons people choose to enter the teaching profession. Some are inspired by a former teacher. Others are passionate about working with kids and the subjects they want to teach. Many teachers are motivated by a desire to make an important contribution to society and their local communities.

In addition to college coursework, you will gain valuable experience working with children in the classroom environment. This degree program offers concentrations in Secondary Education and a dual concentration in Elementary Education and Special Education. After graduating from the program, you can find employment as an educational assistant or substitute teacher in New Mexico.

Teaching in public schools requires a minimum of a bachelor's degree with the current exception of Career and Technical Education. Therefore, the concentration is specifically articulated for transfer to Eastern New Mexico University’s online bachelor’s degree in Professional Technical Education. This program is designed to help you transfer to four-year universities. It meets the State of New Mexico general education core requirements and is a low-cost, high-quality education option.

Related Information


Scholarships Available

Field Experience

Certain courses require students to complete hours in settings outside of the CNM classroom. Field experience hours are designed to give students real-world experience in a setting related to the study of the accompanying course. 


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