Courses Beginning with A

Changes for Courses Beginning with A

The change in course numbers is not to create confusion. Rather, it intended to simplify  the transfer of courses to other New Mexico colleges and universities.

Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number New CNM Course Title New Course Prefix & Number
ACCT 1109  Business Math BUSA 1180
ACCT 1111
1112 or ACCT
1110 or ACCT
Principles of Accounting I ACCT 2110
ACCT 1120 Payroll Accounting ACCT 2170
ACCT 1140 Accounting Applications ACCT 1135
ACCT 1210 Principles of Accounting II ACCT 2120
ACCT 1301 Volunteer Tax Training ACCT 1220
ACCT 1398 Volunteer Tax Preparation Internship ACCT 1998
ACCT 1410 QuickBooks ACCT 1150
ACCT 2095 Accounting Cooperative Education ACCT 2995
ACCT 2097 Independent Study in Accounting ACCT 2997
ACCT 2098 Accounting Internship ACCT 2998
ACCT 2101 & ACCT 2102 Introduction to Intermediate Accounting I ACCT 2125
ACCT 2103 Introduction to Intermediate Accounting II ACCT 2130
ACCT 2230 Cost Management Accounting ACCT 2240
ACCT 2340 Introduction to Tax I (Individual) ACCT 2320
ACCT 2341 Introduction to Tax II (Corporate) ACCT 2350
ACCT 2420 Computerized Accounting ACCT 2220
ACCT 2510 Introduction to Fund Accounting ACCT 2250
AFST 1150 Introduction to African American Studies AFST 1110
ALA 2999 Community Leadership: Liberal Arts Capstone LBAR 2999
ANTH 1101 Introduction to Anthropology ANTH 1115
ANTH 1110 Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology ANTH 1155
ANTH 1120 World Archaeology ANTH 1160
ANTH 1121 & ANTH 1192 Introduction to Archaeology Lecture & Laboratory ANTH 1120
ANTH 1130 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology ANTH 1140
ANTH 1150 Introduction to Biological Anthropology ANTH 1135
ANTH 2096-2996 Topics in Anthropology ANTH 2996
ANTH 2231 Indigenous Peoples of North America ANTH 2140
ANTH 2238 Indigenous Peoples of the American Southwest ANTH 2150
ANTH 2251 Introduction to Forensic Anthropology ANTH 2130
ANTH 2255 Prehistoric Peoples of the American Southwest ANTH 2160
ARBC 1101 Arabic I ARBC 1110
ARBC 1102 Arabic II ARBC 1120
ARCH 1121 Introduction to Architecture ARCH 1120
ARCH 2201 Introduction to Architectural Design ARCH 2110
ARCH 2202 Architectural Design II ARCH 2155
ARCH 2223 World Architecture I: History of the Built Environment from Pre-history to 1400 C.E. ARCH 2225
ARCH 2224 World Architecture II: History of the Built Environment from 1400 CE to Present ARCH 2226
ARTH 1101 Art Appreciation ARTH 1110
ARTH 1115 History of Design ARTH 1116
ARTH 2141 Art of the American Southwest ARTH 2140
ARTH 2201 History of Art I ARTH 2110
ARTH 2202 History of Art II ARTH 2120
ARTH 2220 History of Women Artists: Renaissance to 21st Century ARTH 2201
ARTH 2250 Modern Art ARTH 2130
ARTH 2251 Art of the American Southwest ARTH 2141
ARTS 1102 Introduction to Studio Art ARTS 1111
ARTS 1106 Drawing I ARTS 1610
ARTS 1121 Design I ARTS 1240
ARTS 1122 Design II ARTS 1250
ARTS 1125 Art Practices I ARTS 1220
ARTS 1126 Art Practices II ARTS 1230
ARTS 1135 Introduction to Photography ARTS 1410
ARTS 1136 Visualizing Ideas ARTS 2420
ARTS 1168 Ceramics I ARTS 1320
ARTS 2132 Illustration Arts Portfolio ARTS 2994
ARTS 2204 Life Drawing I ARTS 1620
ARTS 2205 Drawing II ARTS 2610
ARTS 2206 Introduction to Printmaking ARTS 1710
ARTS 2207 Painting I ARTS 1630
ARTS 2208 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction I ARTS 1810
ARTS 2210 Portfolio Development ARTS 2010
ARTS 2214 Life Drawing II ARTS 2620
ARTS 2216 Intermediate Printmaking ARTS 2710
ARTS 2217 Painting II ARTS 2630
ARTS 2218 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction II ARTS 2810
ARTS 2228 Jewelry and Small Metal Construction Portfolio ARTS 2820
ARTS 2268 Ceramics II ARTS 2310
ASL 1101 American Sign Language I SIGN 1110
ASL 1102 American Sign Language II SIGN 1120
ASL 2201 American Sign Language III SIGN 2110
ASL 2202 American Sign Language IV SIGN 2120
ASL 2212 Fingerspelling SIGN 2130
ASL 2214 Introduction to Deaf Culture & SIGN 2214
ASTR 1092 Introduction to Solar System Astronomy Laboratory ASTR 1010 L
ASTR 1192 Introduction to Stellar and Galactic Astronomy Laboratory ASTR 1110 L