Courses O through W

Beginning Fall Term 2019, CNM course numbers will change. Below, you will find links to tables that match up the old and new numbers.

Changes for Courses Beginning with O through W

The change in course numbers is not to create confusion. Rather, it intended to simplify the transfer of courses to other New Mexico colleges and universities.

Please note that course listings are based on the Old CNM Course Numbers.


Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number

New CNM Course Title

New Course Prefix & Number
OTEC 1161 Records Management BUSA 1210
OTEC 2260 Office Procedures BUSA 1310


Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number

New CNM Course Title

New Course Prefix & Number
PHIL 1102 Contemporary Moral Issues PHIL 1130
PHIL 1110 Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 1115
PHIL 1156 Logic, Reasoning, & Critical Thinking PHIL 1120
PHIL 2201 Greek Philosophy PHIL 2220
PHIL 2202 Early Modern Philosophy PHIL 2210
PHIL 2244 Introduction to Existentialism PHIL 2240
PHIL 2245 Business Ethics PHIL 2310
PHIL 2246 Environmental Ethics PHIL 2130
PHIL 2247 Biomedical Ethics PHIL 2120
PHIL 2248 Ethics of Technology PHIL 2135
PHYS 1010 Survey of Physics PHYS 1115
PHYS 1092 Survey of Physics Laboratory PHYS 1115 L
PHYS 1510 Algebra-based Physics I PHYS 1230
PHYS 1592 Algebra-based Physics I Laboratory PHYS 1230 L
PHYS 1610 Algebra-based Physics II PHYS 1240
PHYS 1692 Algebra-based Physics II Laboratory PHYS 1240 L
PHYS 1710 Calculus-based Physics I PHYS 1310
PHYS 1792 Calculus-based Physics I Laboratory PHYS 1310 L
PHYS 1810 Calculus-based Physics II PHYS 1320
PHYS 1892 Calculus-based Physics II Laboratory PHYS 1320 L
PHYS 2710 Calculus-based Physics III PHYS 2310
PM 1130 Project Management Fundamentals BUSA 1198
PM 2200 Budget and Resource Management BUSA 2195
PM 2250 Project Management Applications BUSA 2198
PORT 1101 Portuguese I PORT 1110
PORT 1102 Portuguese II PORT 1120
PSCI 1110 Introduction to Political Science POLS 1110
PSCI 2200 American National Government POLS 1120
PSCI 2210 State and local politics POLS 2170
PSCI 2220 Comparative Politics POLS 2110
PSCI 2240 International Relations POLS 2120
PSCI 2260 Political Ideas/Introduction to Political Theory POLS 2130
PSCI 2270 Public Policy and Administration POLS 2150
PSCI 2280 Introduction to Political Analysis POLS 2140
PSY 1105 Introduction to Psychology PSYC 1110
PSY 2200 Statistical Principles for Psychology PSYC 2510
PSY 2220 Developmental Psychology PSYC 2120
PSY 2231 Psychology of Human Sexuality PSYC 2330
PSY 2232 Introduction to Clinical Psychology PSYC 2280
PSY 2233 Psychology and Film PSYC 2360
PSY 2240 Brain and Behavior PSYC 2250
PSY 2260 Psychology of Learning and Memory PSYC 2270
PSY 2265 Cognitive Psychology PSYC 2220
PSY 2271 Social Psychology PSYC 2110
PSY 2280 Health Psychology PSYC 2320
PSY 2289 Death and Dying PSYC 2380

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Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number New CNM Course Title New Course Prefix & Number
RLGN 1103 Introduction to the Bible RELG 1120
RLGN 1105 Religion and the Arts RELG 1520
RLGN 1107 Introduction to World Religions RELG 1110
RLGN 2240 Ancient Religions RELG 2135
RLGN 2263 Eastern Religions RELG 2110
RLGN 2264 Western Religions RELG 2120

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Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number New CNM Course Title New Course Prefix & Number
SOC 1101 Introduction to Sociology SOCI 1110
SOC 2205 Introduction to Criminal Justice Systems SOCI 2120
SOC 2211 Contemporary Social Problems SOCI 2310
SOC 2212 Juvenile Delinquency SOCI 2140
SOC 2213 Sociology of Deviance SOCI 2210
SOC 2215 Introduction to Criminology SOCI 2130
SOC 2216 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity SOCI 2250
SOC 2221 Global Issues SOCI 2340
SOC 2225 Sociology of Intimate Relationships and Family SOCI 2240
SOC 2230 Society and Personality SOCI 2330
SOC 2235 Sociology of Gender SOCI 2220
SOC 2280 Introduction to Research Methods SOCI 2410
SOC 2999 Sociology and Criminology Capstone SOCI 2999
SPAN 1101 Spanish I SPAN 1110
SPAN 1102 Spanish II SPAN 1120
SPAN 1111 Spanish for Heritage Learners I SPAN 1210
SPAN 1112 Spanish for Heritage Learners II SPAN 1220
SPAN 2201 Spanish III SPAN 2110
SPAN 2202 Spanish IV SPAN 2120
SPED 2201 Introduction to Students with Exceptionalities SPED 2110
SPI 1101 Fundamentals of Interpreting SPLI 1101
SPI 1102 Language Structure and Technologies in Interpretation and Translation  SPLI 1102
SPI 1103 Introduction to Medical Interpretation SPLI 1103
SPI 1104 Introduction to Legal Interpretation SPLI 1104
SPI 1105 Ethics and Advocacy in the Profession SPLI 1105
SPI 1106 Beginning Simultaneous Interpretation SPLI 1106
SPI 1107 Beginning Consecutive Interpretation SPLI 1107
SPI 2206 Advanced Simultaneous Interpretation SPLI 2206
SPI 2207 Advanced Consecutive Interpretation SPLI 2207

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Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number New CNM Course Title New Course Prefix & Number
THEA 1119 Stagecraft THEA 2310
THEA 1120 Beginning Acting THEA 1220
THEA 1121 Intermediate Acting THEA 2220
THEA 1122 Introduction to Theatre THEA 1110
THEA 1169 Lighting for the Theatre THEA 2320
THEA 1194 Introduction to Costuming THEA 1310
THEA 1195 Intermediate Costume THEA 1320
THEA 1290 Theatre Practicum THEA 1990/2990
THEA 2222 Acting for the Camera THEA 2210
THEA 2226 Ensemble Improvisation THEA 2230
THEA 2231 Voice & Movement THEA 2420
THEA 2258 Beginning Screenwriting THEA 2255

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Old CNM Course  Prefix & Number New CNM Course Title New Course Prefix & Number
WMST 1150 Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies GNDR 2110

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