Jump Start Learning Communities
Move faster toward your degree!
Jump Start options for students entering Math 0970, Math 0980 or IRW 0980.
What is a Jump Start Learning Community?
Jump Start Learning Communities allow students who are eligible for Math 0970, Math 0980 or IRW 0980 to “jump” straight into college-level English, Math, Psychology or Sociology classes that they need for their degrees. Students who enroll in a Jump Start Learning Community can get extra support in Math or English while they are taking their college-level class. It also enables students to move faster toward their degrees, completing two levels in one term rather than in two terms.
What are the benefits for students?
- Students will receive additional support through their first college-level class in English, Math, Psychology or Sociology.
- Students can start college-level courses right away, without having to wait until the next term.
- Students will build confidence in their college-level class through intensive study.
- Students earn credit for two classes but need to purchase only one textbook.
How can students register for Jump Start Learning Communities?
Students must register for both the college-level course and the support course as a pair, and dropping one of those classes will lead to being dropped from the other. To enroll in a Learning Community, students must register using the ADD/DROP option in the myCNM Registration tab, and enter both CRNs.