LGBTQIA2S+ Resource Hub

CNM is committed to providing a welcoming environment for all and to provide resources, advocacy, and a safe space for LGBTQIA2S+ students, staff, and faculty at CNM.

Contact Us

Are you concerned about an issue as it relates to your LGBTQIA2S+ identity?

We want to help. Reach out to us any time! Email or report an issue to the Dean of Students.

Join our Facebook Group.

CNM shows pride at 2021 ABQ Pride Parade.

We promote education about all genders and sexualities, recognize the significance of intersectionality, and encourage the self-exploration of individual identity.

We strive to build bridges with the larger New Mexico LGBTQIA2S+ community to dismantle heterosexism, gender oppression, and systemic discrimination. We seek to address and transform institutional inequities to create a more educated, empowered, and welcoming campus community to better fulfill the academic mission of the community college.

Correct/Preferred Name Request

We offer the option for transgender and gender non-binary students to fill out a request to let instructors know of their gender pronouns and correct/preferred name to be used in the classroom. Please visit the Correct/Preferred Name Request page for more information.

Safe Zone Training and Other Trainings

CNM Safe Zone Logo

We offer Safe Zone Training for staff and faculty to learn about LGBTQIA2S+ identities, gender, sexuality and unlearn prejudice. Learn more about the Safe Zone Project.

When you see the SafeZone placard outside/inside a CNM staff or faculty office, you have found a SAFE SPACE to talk about sexual orientation or gender identity issues. Every Safe Zone member has attended at minimum a 3-hour seminar and has agreed to provide a listening ear and positive resources/referrals.

Click the links below to check for scheduled trainings. If none are available or you can’t attend, select “Express Interest” on the right to let us know you’re interested and to receive notifications for future sessions.

CNM Safe Zone Training

CNM Transgender Cultural Fluency

CNM Transgender 201

Report Anti-LGBTQIA2S+ Incidents

Anti-LGBTQIA2S+ behavior is not tolerated at CNM, but we can do little about it unless you tell us! Anything from phrases like “That’s so gay” to actual physical violence is not tolerated on campus.

Please alert CNM about what happened and where by contacting the Dean of Students. Reports may be made anonymously through the "Silent Witness" program at (505) 224-3002.

If you are currently in a situation where immediate police, medical, psychological, or other emergency services are needed, call 911, or CNM’s Campus Safety & Security at (505) 224-3001 to obtain the appropriate services.

Upcoming LGBTQIA2S+ Events