Class Options at CNM

Classes at CNM are offered online and in-person to fit you and your schedule. Learn about our class options and how to find them in the Schedule of Classes.

Featured Class Option: Fusion

CNM's Fusion provides a traditional course with the choice to attend class in person, online through live video conferencing, or a mixture of both options.

Learn how to filter for the 'Fusion' option in the Schedule of Classes.

Class Options at CNM

CNM offers different class types to fit you, your schedule, and your learning.

Here’s a guide to CNM’s class options that’s organized by:

  • How the class is scheduled (some classes meet at a set time each week while others can be completed any time you choose)
  • Where the class is held (in person, online, or a mixture of these formats)

Quick Guide

What works for you?

I need/prefer:
Online In-Person
  • Online
  • Real-Time Online
  • Attend Anywhere
  • Blended
  • Fusion
  • Face-to-Face
  • Hybrid: Face-to-Face
  • Attend Anywhere
  • Fusion
The option to meet with my instructor and classmates at the same time A class that does not require me to attend on specific days or times
  • Face-to-Face
  • Real-Time Online
  • Attend Anywhere
  • Fusion
  • Hybrid
  • Online
  • Attend Anywhere
  • Blended* (most Blended classes do not specify days and times, but some do. Check the schedule of classes).
The option to NOT come to a physical CNM Campus To come to a physical CNM Campus
  • Online
  • Real-Time Online
  • Attend Anywhere
  • Fusion
  • Hybrid: Real-Time Online
  • Face-to-Face
  • Attend Anywhere
  • Blended
  • Fusion
  • Hybrid: Face-to-Face

Detailed Guide

This is a deeper look at CNM’s learning options, including how to find these classes on our schedule.

Section Numbers Mode of Instruction Description Online On Campus

A01, A02, etc.

Attend Anywhere

A course that allows you to attend each class in person or through high-definition video conferencing or by watching recorded lectures. You can move back and forth between these options at any given time during the semester.

Attendance is based on participation in course activities.

Student Preference

Student Preference



Classes that are online (without scheduled class meeting times) and will require you to come to campus at least once during the term (which may or may not be at scheduled times).

Attendance is based on participation in course activities.



151-199, 251-299, 351-399, etc.

Hybrid: Face-to-Face

On-site instruction with regular meeting dates and times that also include an online component. Typically, a lab/theory mix, so that the lab (hands-on) can be offered face-to-face and the theory can be accomplished online.

Attendance is based on the presence during regular class meetings and participation in online course activities.



101, 201, 301, etc.


On-site instruction with regular meeting dates and times.

Attendance is taken and participation is based on course activities and presence during regular dates and times.



D01, D02, etc.


These courses are taught completely online (without scheduled class meeting times) in a virtual classroom and you’ll be able to complete your work without stepping foot on a CNM campus. For this reason, the Assessment Center does not proctor Online courses; if you have extenuating circumstances that require the use of the Assessment Center, we will review your request on a case-by-case basis.

Attendance is based on participation in course activities.



R01, R02, etc.

Real-Time Online
(R Courses)

You, your instructor, and your classmates will meet remotely at a specific time during the day. This option allows you to attend the class remotely and have the advantage of regular class meetings with the instructor and other students.

Attendance is based on the presence during regular class meetings.



T01, T02, etc.

Real-Time Online
(T Courses)

Like R courses, you will meet your class remotely at a specific time, but only for part of the week. The remaining time is spent in an online classroom environment.

Attendance is based on participation in course activities and attendance during regular class meetings.



U01, U02, etc.


A course that allows you and your classmates to attend each class on campus, or attend class through live video conferencing. You can move back and forth between these options at any given time during the semester.

0 -100% Student Preference

Attendance required during regular meeting dates and times.

0 -100% Student Preference

Attendance required during regular meeting dates and times.

Navigating Schedule of Classes and EduNav

When you find and select a class in the Schedule of Classes, the listed Section Number will correspond to the Class Option.

Section Number is listed in Class Details tab sixth row from the top

Likewise, the Section Number also appears while registering for classes in EduNav.

Section number is listed parenthesis just after class title

Filter for a Specific Class Option in the Schedule of Classes

If you want to filter for a specific class option in the Schedule of Classes, do the following:

  1. Go to the Schedule of Classes.
  2. Select the term (e.g., Fall 2022) from the drop-down menu and click Continue.
  3. Click on the Advanced Search link.
  4. Click in the Sessions section, choose your selection, and click the Search button.

screenshot of search criteria